Discovering the Hashimoto diet: what it is for and who it is useful for

Hashimoto's thyroiditis or chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, first described by specialist Hakaru Hashimoto in 1912, is among the most common and frequent thyroid disorders, the leading cause of primary hypothyroidism.

To maintain a good quality of life in the case of thyroid problems, nutrition is crucial. It has been studied that the combination of proper nutrition in addition to the obvious drug therapy can significantly help with the course and symptoms of this disorder.

The Hashimoto's diet is a type of AIP (Autoimmune Paleo Protocol) diet that can help decrease the inflammation that often causes the worst symptoms. Of course, before embarking on any diet that differs from the normal one, it is always best to listen to the advice of your doctor. The following is purely for information purposes to highlight the close correlations that exist, in most cases, between physical health and food.

Discovering the Hashimoto diet : what it is for and who it is useful for
Hashimoto's thyroiditis or chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, first described by specialist Hakaru Hashimoto in 1912, is among the most common and frequent thyroid disorders, the leading cause of primary hypothyroidism. To maintain a good quality of life in the case of thyroid problems, nutrition is crucial. It has been studied that the combination of proper nutrition in addition to the obvious drug therapy can significantly help with the course and symptoms of this disorder. The Hashimoto's diet is a type of AIP diet that can help decrease the inflammation that often causes the worst symptoms. Of course, before embarking on any diet that differs from the normal one, it is always best to listen to the advice of your doctor. The following is purely for information purposes to highlight the close correlations that exist, in most cases, between physical health and food.
The thyroid of Hashimoto
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, especially in developed countries, is one of the most common thyroid disorders. This is an autoimmune condition (where the body attacks itself), where specifically the thyroid tissue is gradually destroyed by its own lymphocytes. The thyroid gland specifically is very important in regulating the functions of the human body, and affects so many aspects of our health. Through the production of hormones, it affects other organs such as the heart, lungs, skeleton, nervous system and digestive system.
The importance of diet
As in the case of many other physical ailments, numerous scientific studies have shown that a certain type of controlled diet, combined with constant exercise and regular drug therapy, can have an extremely positive influence on the symptoms.
Reducing the inflammation is crucial
The right diet is very important especially in keeping the symptoms derived from inflammation under control. An inflamed organ contributes to amplifying the normal symptoms of the problem, so food helps to diminish these problems and thus improve the quality of life. Hypercholesterolaemia, obesity and diabetes are all secondary conditions, arising from the thyroid gland, which can be kept under control quite easily.
The Autoimmune Protocol Diet
We reiterate that these recommendations are for illustrative purposes only, and that before embarking on any dietary path, it is best to consult a doctor or nutritionist. However, the Hashimoto's diet falls into the group of diets specifically formulated for people suffering from autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, but also, for example, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and many others.
The diet guidelines of the Autoimmune Protocol
With this type of diet, we reduce, or in some cases eliminate, all those foods that contribute to inflammation, such as added sugars, oils and food additives, alcohol, coffee, but also dairy products, legumes and cereals that contain gluten. Specifically, Hashimoto's thyroiditis sufferers develop an intolerance to dairy products, and therefore their reduction is highly recommended. However, neither a do-it-yourself diet nor non-regulation of one's diet is recommended. Seeking medical advice is definitely the first step.
What foods are recommended
So, you need to prefer all those foods that naturally have anti-inflammatory substances within them, such as fruits and vegetables. Also good are whole foods that help keep blood sugar under control. For condiments, best to look to "good" fats, such as extra virgin olive oil, but also avocados, and coconut oil.
Grains and protein
As for grains, it is best to take those that are naturally free or low in gluten, such as rice, corn, buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa. Beware, however, even without the presence of any prior disease, one should never eliminate gluten altogether, unless diagnosed with celiac disease. This is a fad of these years, which is absolutely harmful. As for proteins, on the other hand, better those of animal origin that are unprocessed and not pre-processed, legumes and beverages of vegetable origin.
Thyroiditis of Hashimoto and celiac disease
Here the issue is very delicate, but it has been observed that there is a tendency, or rather a correlation, between autoimmune problems, such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and the development of celiac disease, although these two diseases are not consequential, i.e., a cause-and-effect relationship has not yet been demonstrated. The general invitation to those reading is to undergo specific examinations to find out whether, in the presence of the Hashimoto thyroid but not only, a form of celiac disease is also developed, which, however, as mentioned, obviously affects the composition of the diet.
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