Everything you need to know about intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting (intermittent fasting) is one of the most popular dietary systems of the last decade. This popularity stems from the fact that a fair share of users have reported easier appetite management and better results in both weight loss and restoration of any altered metabolic parameters, such as blood sugar or blood pressure, compared to other methods. Bottom line: it is necessary to avoid applying complex nutritional protocols on your own, and to seek professional advice before embarking on a nutritional journey.

How does intermittent fasting work?
The cornerstone principle of intermittent fasting is to create a "window" of fasting with duration to affect the overall calorie balance and hormone metabolism
The basic principles
Despite taking advantage of the fasting window, the remaining meals should not be eaten freely, but it is necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet based on the Mediterranean Diet, and it is necessary to engage in physical activity
Warnings and contraindications
It cannot be considered a suitable practice for everyone. Some caution should be exercised, especially in cases of individual susceptibility to hypoglycemia, low blood pressure, anemia, and dizziness or fainting, and in particular conditions, such as developmental age, pregnancy and lactation, certain drug therapies, people with or a history of eating disorders
Pros of intermittent fasting
I great benefit of intermittent fasting is weight loss and improvement of certain metabolic parameters, such as insulin sensitivity, glycemia and glycated hemoglobin, triglyceridemia, cholesterolemia, blood pressure, and uricemia. Another beneficial effect is the restoration of a proper sense of hunger and satiety, especially for those who suffer from "nervous hunger"
Cons of intermittent fasting
It is very difficult to maintain in the medium and long term from a psychophysical point of view; it can lead to sleep problems and generalized weakness, with reduced performances during periods of increased activity; it is generally incompatible with sports activities; some important side effects may be bad mood, irritability, anxiety, headaches, and constipation
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