Restless legs syndrome: what is it and what are the symptoms

Restless leg syndrome' is a very annoying condition of neurological origin that causes restlessness in the lower limbs and thus the continuous need to move one or both legs.

Women are mainly affected by this condition, but its physical manifestation is not always regular. Consequently, it is something that is really very difficult to diagnose.

The disorder often occurs in the evening, when the patient is trying to fall asleep, and can also occur at night. Fortunately, there are methods and therapies to keep this syndrome under control.

'Restless legs syndrome': what is it and what are the symptoms
The 'Restless leg syndrome' is a very annoying condition of neurological origin that causes restlessness in the lower limbs and thus the continuous need to move one or both legs.
Most affected are women
It is mainly women who are affected by this condition, but its physical manifestation is not always regular. Consequently, it is something that is really very difficult to diagnose, especially if the symptomatology is mild but still enough to create discomfort and annoyance.
'Restless legs syndrome' and insomnia
The problem also and especially occurs in the evening, when the subject tries to fall asleep, and can also occur late at night. Dr Lara Fratticci, a neurologist at Humanitas, tries to explain the reasons for this: 'The need to move one's legs to get relief tends to worsen precisely in the evening and at night due to an evening physiological reduction in dopamine levels, a decrease that is even more significant in those who suffer from this disorder. Those who suffer from this syndrome also tend to be affected by insomnia'.
Primary form and secondary form
Primary form means a familial or idiopathic type of syndrome, and thus what the cause is unknown. Less frequently, 'restless legs syndrome' has secondary form , that is, associated with other diseases, disorders, or conditions, such as renal failure, type 2 diabetes, peripheral neuropathies, and the like.
The diagnosis of this syndrome is very simple and is made through a normal neurological examination, without the need for instrumental tests. If the cause of the disorder can be found, an attempt is made to intervene directly.
Drug therapy
The first course of action for 'restless legs syndrome' is drug therapy, based on anti-epileptic drugs, hypnotics, opiates and dopaminergic agents. Normally, the class of non-ergoline dopamine receptor agonists is used.
Sleep hygiene is critical
Taking care of one's sleep hygiene is important to combat 'restless legs syndrome'. Some useful tips can be: take a hot bath or shower before going to bed; reduce your intake of caffeine or alcoholic beverages that interfere with sleep; engage in a relaxing activity before bedtime (reading, for example); massage your legs thoroughly once in bed. If symptoms occur during the night, get up and take a walk around the house, without insisting on staying in bed.
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