The best foods to increase muscle mass

Did you know that there are foods that, accompanied with due and rigorous physical training, help to increase muscle mass? Nutrition is a very important piece in achieving this goal, and the diet of those aiming to increase muscle volume should neither be too restrictive nor too abundant. Excesses, in any case, are always detrimental. A varied and balanced diet is therefore what is needed to provide the muscles with all the energy they need to develop. For this reason it must be rich in protein, but with the right amount of carbohydrates and fats.So let's find out 13 foods that help increase muscle mass, providing nutrition to the muscles and keeping fat mass in check.

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They are low in fat but rich in protein and zinc, which is useful in raising testosterone levels, and contain up to eight times more iron than chicken.
Whole Eggs
In fact, the fats in the yolk are unsaturated and therefore not harmful to cholesterol. It is also rich in minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorus and is one of the few foods that contains vitamin D.
A serving of cooked soybeans contains all the essential amino acids, an important dose of protein, unsaturated fats and several minerals and vitamins.Soybeans are also a source of vitamin K, phosphorus and iron.
Greek Yougurt
Greek yogurt is a source of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb phosphorus and calcium. The latter is essential for muscle contractions.
Salmon is a fatty fish rich in Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve joint and cardiovascular health and regulate metabolism.
Dark chocolate
It is rich in antioxidants that have a cell-protective function and help maintain muscle tone.In addition, monounsaturated fats increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol.
Dried fruits
They contain good fats, protein, minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, and are an excellent hunger-breaker.
Contains more potassium than bananas and healthy fats that increase testosterone and growth hormone production
White meat
Chicken and turkey are white meats well known for their high protein content. In particular, they contain noble proteins necessary for cell renewal and hormone formation.White meat is also an excellent source of amino acids, useful for muscle metabolism, polyunsaturated acids, and iron.
Extra virgin olive oil
Rich in protein and carbohydrates, they are a good substitute for meat and also provide fiber, vitamins and minerals to the body.
Chicken and turkey are white meats well known for their high protein content. In particular, they contain noble proteins necessary for cell renewal and hormone formation.White meat is also an excellent source of amino acids, useful for muscle metabolism, polyunsaturated acids, and iron.
Deer meat
Chicken and turkey are white meats well known for their high protein content. In particular, they contain noble proteins necessary for cell renewal and hormone formation.White meat is also an excellent source of amino acids, useful for muscle metabolism, polyunsaturated acids, and iron.
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