Too much sitting may increase cancer risk and shorten life span

Today we live in an age where many people spend a large part of their day sitting, whether for work or leisure.

However, studies have shown that sitting too much may have serious health consequences. In particular, it appears that sitting is associated with an increased risk of developing certain forms of cancer, such as colon, endometrial and lung cancer.

In addition, sitting for many hours a day can shorten one's life, due to the damage it causes to the body. In this photogallery we report 13 possible health risks related to sitting. (source: webmd)

Too much sitting could increase cancer risk and shorten life span
Today, we live in a time where many people spend a large part of their day sitting, whether for work or leisure. However, studies have shown that sitting too much may have serious health consequences. In particular, it appears that sitting is associated with an increased risk of developing certain forms of cancer, such as colon, endometrial and lung cancer. In addition, sitting for many hours a day can shorten life, due to the damage it causes to the body. In this photogallery we report 13 possible health risks related to sitting. (source: webmd)
Risk of contracting heart disease
Sitting for too long increases the risk of heart disease. This is according to scientists, who compared two categories of people, drivers and guards. The former, who spend most of their time sitting for work, were about twice as likely to contract heart disease as the guards, who instead spend most of their time standing at work.
It can shorten life
According to scientists, spending too much time sitting increases the likelihood of dying earlier than people who spend a lot of time standing.
Increased risks of contracting dementia
Moving little during the day also increases the risk of developing dementia, a condition linked to other diseases related to prolonged sitting, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, hypertension and high cholesterol.
It defeats the exercise
Physical training does not compensate for sitting for a long time. Rather, sitting for too long during the day can negate the efforts made in the gym.
The risk of diabetes could increase
According to doctors, sitting for too long can change the way the body reacts to insulin, the hormone that helps burn sugar and carbohydrates for energy.
Risk of developing clots
Sitting for too long increases the risk of developing DVT, deep vein thrombosis, a clot that forms in the leg. One of the worst consequences that can happen is that the clot breaks free and settles in the lung.
Weight gain
The most likely consequence of sitting for a long time is, of course, weight gain.
Increased anxiety
According to scientists, spending too much time sitting could increase anxiety, but only under certain conditions: if you work alone and are engaged in activities that involve staring at the computer screen for a prolonged time, this could disturb your sleep, and consequently increase your chances of developing anxiety.
Back pain
The muscles of the back, neck and spine are subjected to great stress when one spends prolonged time in a sitting position. The advice is to use an ergonomic chair and get up every half hour, but this will still not negate the effects of prolonged sitting for many years.
Developing varicose veins
Sitting for too long increases the risk of developing varicose veins in the legs, i.e. the permanent dilation of a vein due to the accumulation of blood.
Certain groups are at greater risk if they spend too much time sitting. Specifically, non-active elderly people may be more likely to contract osteoporosis (weakened bones): this condition prevents them from performing the basic activities of daily life, so the advice is to always remain active.
The risk of cancer increases
According to scientists, spending a lot of time sitting increases the chances of contracting colon, endometrial or lung cancer. Older women are more likely to develop breast cancer. Being very active does not, however, counteract the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time, so the advice of doctors and scientists is to spend as little time sitting as possible, regardless of how much exercise you do when standing.
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