Not just vitamin C: five reasons to eat oranges every day

Originating in China and Southeast Asia, these winter fruits would not be imported to Europe until the 14th century by Portuguese sailors.

For many people, oranges are a fruit with a lot of juice that leaks out as soon as they begin to peel it. A pleasant aroma is released when you separate the peel and the juice of the orange leaks out and stays on your hands. Oranges can be eaten fresh, but they are also great in making jams, marmalades, or added to baked goods.

Browse the gallery to discover some benefits of oranges and five reasons to eat them every day!

Not just vitamin C: five reasons to eat oranges every day
Originating in China and Southeast Asia, these winter fruits would not be imported to Europe until the 14th century by Portuguese sailors. For many people, oranges are a fruit with a lot of juice that leaks out as soon as they begin to peel it. A pleasant aroma is released when they separate the peel and the juice of the orange leaks out and remains on our hands. Oranges can be eaten fresh, but they are also excellent in the preparation of jams, marmalades, or added to baked goods.
High content of vitamin C
When people talk about the benefits of citrus fruits, the first thing that comes to mind is vitamin C, but that is not their only benefit.
Rich in minerals and B vitamins
Oranges are also rich in potassium, choline, vitamin A, fiber, folic acid, B vitamins, and a number of effective antioxidants.
Oranges contribute to healthy eyesight
Age increases the likelihood of developing macular degeneration, which can cause vision loss and even blindness. A 15-year study published in 2018 found that regular consumption of oranges can reduce the risk of macular degeneration by up to 60 percent, this is thanks to flavonoids in oranges. According to this study, even one orange a week makes a difference.
Oranges help preserve youthfulness
Vitamin C helps protect skin from premature wrinkles and increases collagen synthesis, which is essential for building connective tissue, healing wounds, and maintaining smooth, healthy-looking skin.
Oranges help in weight loss
Oranges contain not only a lot of fluids, but also a lot of fiber, a great combination for those who want to lose weight and keep their digestive system in check.
Orange juice or the entire fruit?
For many of us, oranges are mainly associated with freshly squeezed juice. However, experts agree that it is healthier to eat whole fruit because it provides all the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber.
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