7 amazing tricks to fall asleep instantly

7 amazing tricks to fall asleep instantly. When evening comes, you can't wait to get into bed and finally enjoy a well-deserved rest. So do we. However, this does not always happen, even if we are tired. For many different reasons getting to sleep is not always easy. In this photo gallery we reveal some tricks for getting to sleep faster.

We anticipate a couple of them

- Take a hot shower before sleeping

- Blink quickly. This method will tire your eyes and you won't be able to keep them open anymore.

Browse the photo gallery to discover five more tricks/tips for falling asleep fast:

Blink quickly. This method will tire your eyes and you will no longer be able to keep them open.
Scent the room with lavender
She wears socks to bed
Refresh the room
Take a hot shower before sleeping
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