Improve heart health in just eight small gestures

The heart is one of the most important organs in our body, responsible for pumping blood and keeping all our tissues alive. Unfortunately, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke are among the leading causes of death worldwide.

However, there are small gestures that can make a big difference to the health of our heart. In this photogallery we explore eight simple actions you can take to take care of your heart and improve your cardiovascular health.

Here is a series of practical tips on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle, make smart food choices, exercise regularly, manage stress, and more.

Improve heart health in just 8 small gestures
The heart is one of the most important organs in our body, responsible for pumping blood and keeping all our tissues alive. Unfortunately, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke are among the leading causes of death worldwide. However, there are small gestures that can make a big difference to the health of our heart. In this photogallery we explore eight simple actions you can take to take care of your heart and improve your cardiovascular health. Here is a series of practical tips on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle, make smart food choices, exercise regularly, manage stress, and more.
A short walk is a great way to improve heart health, as brisk walking can reduce some of the main factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This was confirmed by research published in 2013 in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.
Eat more nuts
Eating more walnuts, almonds, peanuts and other nuts is very good for the heart. Nuts, according to a study conducted jointly by the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona (Spain) and Loma Linda University in California (USA), available in The FASEB Journal, have the ability to reduce cholesterol, especially in the elderly population, to the benefit of better gut wellness and cardiovascular disease control, without affecting body weight.
Eat fruit
Eating an extra fruit or vegetable a day can make all the difference. In fact, fresh fruit is a reservoir of vitamins, A, B1, B2, B3 and C, which protect the heart and arteries.
More fish, less meat
Fish is good for the heart, as it has more omega-3 fats and less saturated fats that help reduce triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. Better to eat a little more fish and a little less meat.
Reduce the consumption of sugary drinks
Drinking a lot of sugary soft drinks increases the risk of premature death, especially from cardiovascular diseases, according to a study conducted by researchers at Harvard University.
Wash hands often
Flu, pneumonia and other infections are not good for your heart; washing your hands often with soap helps to avoid them so as to protect your heart.
Deep breathing
Slow, deep breathing can help lower blood pressure.
Breakfast matters
Eating regularly early in the day is associated with a reduction in overall cardiovascular risk, as confirmed by a study published in the National Library of Medicine.
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