Rye bread: seven reasons to eat it

Rye bread, now easily available in supermarkets, has many beneficial properties for our body. Its dark color is completely natural but what interests us most is its composition. Rye bread is a rich source of fiber, but also of important vitamins for our health.

Obviously this only in cases where we are talking about bread made from rye flour. Unfortunately, more attention must be paid to this: there is often bread on the market that looks like rye, because it is dark, but that is not. For this reason, we always recommend checking the ingredient list before buying any food.

Why should it be part of the diet? Browse the gallery to discover the possible benefits of rye bread.

Rye bread: seven reasons to eat it
Rye bread, now easily available in supermarkets, has many beneficial properties for our body. Its dark color is completely natural but what interests us most is its composition. Rye bread is a rich source of fiber, but also of important vitamins for our health.
Rye bread is rich in fiber
Rye itself is particularly rich in fiber. While wheat contains about 10% fiber, rye can provide more than 20%.
Rye bread contains lignans
Rye bread contains lignans: the bioactive molecules that, in the grains, are combined with fiber. Lignans belong to the class of phytoestrogens, substances that seem to contribute to lowering the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.
Can help you lose weight
Rye bread can help you lose weight, because thanks to its high fiber content it makes you feel full for longer, reducing the sense of hunger.
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May help against constipation
Consuming rye bread can help fight constipation by reducing intestinal transit time.
Rye bread contains important minerals
Rye bread contains important minerals such as manganese, copper, selenium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, sodium and soluble sugars.
Improves blood sugar
Rye bread is rich in fiber and phenolic compounds, which can improve blood sugar. Rye bread is considered a low glycemic index food and therefore, especially if the percentage of rye flour is quite high, it may be preferable to other types of bread for people with diabetes.
Contains vitamins
Rye contains vitamins such as those of group B (also the very rare vitamin B12), vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K.
Our advice
Real rye bread is bread made from rye flour. For this reason it is necessary to be careful: often there is a bread on the market that looks like rye, because it is dark, but that is not. We always recommend checking the ingredient list before buying any food.
Who should not eat rye bread?
There are no particular side effects related to the consumption of rye, except for those suffering from celiac disease: rye contains gluten – such as wheat, barley and spelt, for example – which is why it should not be consumed by celiacs.
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