Eating Hamburger helps against depression

A study of 440,000 Britons found that beef was linked to a lower risk of depression, with substances such as iron, zinc, protein and B vitamins that could improve our mood.

According to a new British study, eating beef would lead to a lower risk of depression
Eating a beef burger can help treat depression and make us happy, according to findings of a new study also reported by the Daily Star
A study of 440,000 Britons found that beef was linked to a lower risk of depression, with nutrients such as iron, zinc, protein and B vitamins that could improve our mood
They explained, "This is the first study to report a potential beneficial causal effect of beef intake on reducing the risk of major depression."
The study involved examining the genes associated with eating more beef and testing whether the same genetic makeup was also linked to depression:
Found that different eating habits are genetically linked to major depression
Nonfat fish was among foods associated with higher risk of depressive illness
However, the research, which included analysis of the diets of 45,000 people with depression, concluded that further validation of the results is needed
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