Using cell phone before bedtime is very bad for you: here's why

It is called doomscrolling and has become an ingrained habit especially among young people that can cause serious harm.

Doomscrolling has become a habit in young people and can cause serious harm ( means the action of scrolling one's digital screen from top to bottom)
Before going to sleep, as soon as we wake up, on the couch while watching TV, we are all getting into the habit of clinging to our cell phones on major Social Network
According to David Nunez, director of technology and digital strategy at the MIT Museum, "Social media algorithms emphasize negativity, which causes our bodies to produce stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol."
According to a recent study at Texas University of Technology, a survey found that among people most prone to doomscrolling, 74 percent had mental health problems and 61 percent had physical health problems
To avoid these problems you need to adjust the time in front of the screen on the phone. It is also possible to define the application's timer in order to lock the smartphone when the default duration is reached
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