Symptoms that you may be suffering from sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea consists of interruptions in breathing during sleep. These interruptions are caused by obstruction - total or partial - of the upper airway.

What are apneas caused by? The causes can be varied and should be sought through medical support. One may suffer from sleep apnea due to being overweight, nose-mouth or throat obstructions, alcoholic beverage abuse before bedtime, drug abuse or taking sleeping pills.

Those who suffer from apneas may experience the following symptoms, among others: sleep strokes, difficulty concentrating, headache or night sweats.

What are obstructive sleep apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea consists of interruptions in breathing during sleep. Such interruptions are caused by obstruction - total or partial - of the upper airway and must be treated as it can lead to even very serious consequences. It mainly affects men but also women, especially after menopause.
The probable causes of sleep apnea
What are sleep apneas caused by? The causes can be varied and should be sought through medical support. One can suffer from sleep apnea due to being overweight, nose-mouth or throat obstruction, alcoholic beverage abuse before going to sleep, drug abuse or taking sleeping pills.
Symptoms that might reveal that you suffer from sleep apnea
Those who suffer from sleep apnea may experience the following symptoms: sleep strokes, difficulty concentrating, headache, dry mouth upon waking, night sweats, sudden awakenings with a feeling of suffocation, excessive sleepiness throughout the day, need for nighttime urination, and even impotence.
Diagnosis and treatment
Anyone who suspects that he or she is suffering from obstructive sleep apnea should seek medical attention so that follow-up examinations can be performed. Identifying the cause is crucial to proceeding with the right medical treatment. The problem, depending on the underlying cause, could be resolved with medical therapies, weight loss, avoiding alcohol or drugs, or sleeping on the side.
What can happen when sleep apnea goes untreated
According to the Angers University Hospital, it was found that those who spent more than 6 percent of the night with blood oxygen levels below 90 percent had an almost doubled risk of developing deep vein thromboembolism compared with those who did not suffer from sleep apnea. This is an important result, adding to the well-established finding on increased heart attack and stroke risk.
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