Running or Jogging: find out what's right for you

Many people go running but there is a huge difference between jogging or running. And it is not just the pace that is different. Let's find out what the differences are.

There are many differences between running and jogging. Not only in gait or pace but also in clothing and footwear
Jogging is for those who want to improve their mental and physical well-being. It is practiced at a slow pace and best in places that provide peace and tranquility.
Running, means giving yourself increasingly complicated goals to achieve and overcome in order to improve yourself with the goal of participating in races.
Jogging requires a slow pace that is free from the stress of wanting to exceed one's limits time after time. Running with friends is a great way to jog
If you want to go from jogger to runner, you need to give yourself time and buy the right clothing starting with the shoes
Find a partner to go running with to stimulate each other and challenge each other to push your limits
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