Padel: most frequent player injuries

There is no history, today padel is really the sport of the moment. Kind of like soccer was and has been for long years at the turn of the 1990s, 2000s. But if to play five-a-side football you had to be a minimum of ten and have at least one pair of goalkeepers, as far as padel is concerned, you only need to be four and be equipped with a pair of tennis shoes. Nothing more since very often, the courts where you book your playing time provide racquets.

The sport of the moment
Like all sports, it happens to have minor injuries, from the mildest to the most painful and important. According to the latest studies, we can divide the most frequent injuries into three districts: upper limbs, lower limbs and back.
Twenty percent of injuries in Padel involve the elbows. Specifically, the injuries involve the tendons and the joint.
Due to the movements made by the arm holding the paddle, 12% of injuries in Padel involve the shoulders
Due to the speed of the game, 19% of injuries involve ankles
Due to the constant changes in direction, 12% of players suffer knee injuries
The part of the back affected is the lumbar area(14%), because of the sudden jerks and rapid twisting that require significant muscle activation.
Playing Padel overloads the wrist joint and also because the grip of the paddle is often not optimal. Wrist injuries account for almost 10% of total injuries.
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