Is it possible to avoid snoring? Some practical tips

Those who snore occasionally but even more so those who snore habitually, should try to understand what is the problem at the origin of snoring because this could be the alarm bell for health problems not to be underestimated.

Beyond the investigation, which must be carried out with medical support, to try to avoid snoring it is possible to adopt measures that affect your lifestyle.

(source: Dr. Alessandro Bianchi, otolaryngologist at the Humanitas Mater Domini hospital in Milan)

Can you try not to snore?
Those who snore occasionally but even more so those who snore habitually, should try to understand what is the problem at the origin of snoring because this could be the alarm bell for health problems not to be underestimated. Beyond the investigation, which must be carried out with medical support, to try to avoid snoring it is possible to adopt measures that affect your lifestyle. (source: Dr. Alessandro Bianchi, otolaryngologist at the Humanitas Mater Domini hospital in Milan)
Follow a healthy and balanced diet
Intervening on eating habits is very important to try not to snore. Having a balanced and healthy diet, as well as making evening meals more digestible and less abundant, can help keep the problem at bay.
Beware of excess pounds
Those who are overweight, should try to lose excess pounds. And not only because excess pounds can negatively affect health in general but also because they could promote snoring. Fat, in fact, not only accumulates on the abdomen but also around the pharynx, in the tongue and palate, thus making breathing more tiring.
Intensify physical activity
Doing more intense and constant physical activity can help prevent or limit the problem of snoring. In addition to this, you should avoid, or limit, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking, especially before bedtime.
Avoid sleeping in a supine position
The supine position favors snoring. For this reason it is advisable to avoid falling asleep in this way and to prefer other positions, such as the side one.
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