Eliminate junk food? It's easy, just follow these tips

But how good are French fries or any other fast food dish? Delicious, but definitely not as healthy as we might think, indeed. Junk food is one of the great evils of our society and undoubtedly the number one cause of obesity and cardiovascular disease in many countries around the world (unhealthy food combined with a sedentary lifestyle leads to bad results).

Although this is something well known, it is often difficult to give up the taste and satisfaction derived from a good meal. However, with a little effort, it is possible to replace harmful foods with something equally good but much healthier for our bodies.

You may turn your nose up at first, but we assure you that it is only a matter of habit. The taste will not be affected, and your health will improve dramatically.

Eliminate junk food? It's easy, just follow these tips
But how good are French fries or any other fast food dish? Delicious, but definitely not as healthy as we might think, indeed. Junk food is one of the great evils of our society and undoubtedly the number one cause of obesity and cardiovascular disease in many countries around the world (unhealthy food combined with a sedentary lifestyle leads to bad results). Although this is something well known, it is often difficult to give up the taste and satisfaction derived from a good meal. However, with a little effort, it is possible to replace harmful foods with something just as good but much healthier for our bodies. At first you may turn your nose up at it, but we assure you that it is only a matter of habit. The taste will not be affected, and your health will improve dramatically.
Sugary drinks are to be avoided at all times
Any intention to improve your diet and the way you eat must start with the elimination of all sweet and sugary drinks. As they are often carbonated, these dilate the stomach, and the presence of an industrial amount of sugar in each bottle or can will only increase your sense of hunger and make you tired sooner. Also be wary of 'zero sugar' or 'zero calories' alternatives: the trick is to replace sugar with something equally harmful, but not called sugar. Here too you will probably turn up your nose, but the best way to replace these foods is with flavoured water (lemon and orange are ideal, but mint and cucumber are also fine). Today, there are even special flasks with the desired aroma already inside. Give it a try, if you want to change your diet, start here.
The condiments that don't fit
Condiments add flavour to our dishes, but they are certainly foods that, in most cases, we can do without. Butter, for example, is something extremely unhealthy. A great way to replace it without giving up the right amount is by using mashed avocado, which has virtually the same consistency but at the same time is rich in vitamins and unsaturated fats. To dress the salad, instead of oil, you can use vinegar (apple would be perfect) or even lemon juice. Then also do away with sour cream, better to use low-fat yoghurt.
Excess carbohydrates are bad
Of course, carbohydrates are good, but not in excess, and preferably not at dinner. If you want to replace carbohydrates, such as pasta, by introducing more vitamins into your diet, you can think about courgette noodles (very easy to make at home, but you can also buy them). As an alternative to rice, you can use quinoa or cous cous, or even blanched and blended cauliflower. The result will be white flakes similar to rice.
Can't give up sandwiches? Here are some options
Sandwiches are also a really delicious food, but in most cases not what your body needs. As for bread, it would be best not to use bread made of white 00 flour. A good idea to replace bread is to use salad leaves instead. We know, you turned your nose up at it, but try it before you judge, the taste will not be affected that much, and the physical benefits will be considerable. If bread is a 'must have', it would be better to use at least wholemeal bread, perhaps with vegetables and smoked salmon inside, which is great for the diet as it is full of fibre and 'good' fats.
Cutting out the potato chips? A necessary sacrifice
This advice is bad for you, we know, but they are full of saturated fat and salt, two elements that have no benefit on the body. Moreover, potato chips can be eaten all the time, perhaps at an aperitif or a movie theater, without noticing the quantity. A great alternative, however, is homemade popcorn, plain, without butter or salt. Nuts are also fine (as long as they are neither salted nor roasted), since they contain unsaturated fats. Not so bad here, come on: we understand it is an effort, but these foods are to be eliminated.
Italian breakfast isn't all that healthy
We know that different parts of the world eat different breakfast foods. Here, focusing on the classic Italian breakfast with coffee/cappuccino and brioche, there are some good alternatives. This type of breakfast does not give the body much nourishment, but rather fills the body with sugars, carbohydrates and fats that will lead us to arrive at lunch hungry. Without being drastic, a cup of milk with whole-grain cereals is a good alternative. In addition, a few times a week, it would be a good idea to add protein (such as eggs), which is perfect for keeping hunger pangs at bay.
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