7 foods for better sleep

Do you have trouble falling asleep even after a busy day, change of air in the bedroom and comfortable pillows? Beware of sleeping pills, they are not a permanent solution and can also be addictive.

Be inspired by our tips and include foods in your diet that naturally soothe both your body and your mind. For example, bananas, honey or oats can help you to promote relaxation and normal sleep function. For the 'best effect they should be consumed during the afternoon or for dinner.

Other foods that promote deep sleep you will find by browsing through the gallery:

Do you have trouble falling asleep after a busy day despite a comfortable bed and soft pillows? Beware of sleeping pills, they are not a permanent solution and can also be addictive. Be inspired by our tips and include foods in your diet that naturally calm both body and mind. For example, bananas, honey or oats can help you promote relaxation and normal sleep function. For best effect, they should be eaten during the afternoon or at dinner.
Honey is good for health and magical for skin and hair, a natural ally of our beauty. A teaspoon of honey in tea or warm milk is a proven means of relaxation. Honey contains ingredients that help calm the mind.
Almonds contain potassium and vitamin B, which help calm the nervous system. They also contain protein, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable during sleep, so they can reduce adrenalin and we don't really need it when we sleep.
Eggs are among the most nutritious foods: rich in vitamins and nutrients. Eggs contain tryptophan, also known as the happy hormone. The perfect dinner for a good night's sleep? Vegetable salad with boiled egg.
Oatmeal contains sleep-promoting components: calcium, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus and potassium.
Walnuts can increase serotonin levels and also contain tryptophan and magnesium.
Salmon is known to contain vitamin B6 which is important in the production of melatonin. Baked salmon is a great idea for a healthy and tasty dinner that will also help deep sleep while the omega-3 essential fatty acids help prevent eye problems such as retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.
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