8 exotic fruits that (perhaps) you have never seen

10 exotic fruits that (maybe) you've never seen

Do you know exotic fruits such as durian, jackfruit, pittaya or longan?

The latter, (also called dragon's eye) come from China and are interesting to discover.

Fruits that we show you today are particular and not everyone likes them: they are types of fruit that are widespread in the countries where they come from, but for the rest of the world they remain hidden.

Today we show you 10 types of fruit that (perhaps) you have never seen. Some are really special!

Leafing through the gallery, let's find out together what they are:

Longan (Dragon's Eye)
Longan (Dragon's Eye) The fruits of Longan come from China, they are sweet, juicy and very fragrant with a strong musky flavor. They grow in clusters and measure about 3 cm. Fruits contain a lot of sugar, vitamin C, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
Kiwano (Horned melon)
Kiwano resembles a mixture of cucumber, kiwi and banana.
The Jackfruit tree is the tree that produces the largest fruits in the world. The fruit can weigh up to 35 kg and measure 90 cm.The aroma and taste of the fruits resemble a mixture of banana and mango. The roasted seeds of the fruit have a chocolate aroma.
Buddha's Hand Fruit
Citrus with a particularly fragrant peel (the peel of the fruit has a special smell reminiscent of violets). The fruit contains almost no pulp, making it almost impossible to eat. The central flavor is reminiscent of lemon. The yellow "fingers" of the fruit are often used in cooking or as an ingredient in salads.
Miraculous fruit
Miraculous fruit: The fruit comes from the Gulf of Guinea region and grows on bushes. Fruits have the form of small red berries. It is called a miracle fruit for its ability to sweeten anything. After tasting this fruit everything you eat after will taste sweet, even a lemon. The effect lasts for about an hour.
This fruit is characterized by an unpleasant smell and at the same time surprisingly wonderful taste. The smell resembles a mixture of onion and cheese, some even compare its smell to that of fish or garlic. It is precisely because of the pungent smell that it is forbidden to bring this fruit in public transport and inside hotels. The taste of the fruit is reminiscent of nuts and cheese with a subtle hint of banana, mango, pineapple and strawberry.
Salaks grow on palm trees and are covered with skin that at first glance looks very much like snakeskin. Therefore, the fruit is often nicknamed "snake fig" or "snake egg". The fruit has a pleasant smell, its taste is specific - it resembles pineapple and banana with a slight touch of nuts. The fruit must be carefully peeled, which is quite easy to do by hand.
Pitaya is a sweet edible cactus fruit sometimes called "dragon fruit" because of its appearance resembling a fiery scale. The flesh is juicy and sweet, with a texture reminiscent of a pomegranate.
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