Six types of winter vegetables that could help you lose weight

During the winter, the consumption of vegetables by many people often decreases.

This is a real shame because even during this time of year you have many types of vegetables available that are good for your health and can also help you lose weight.

It has been shown that the wider the range of plant foods a person eats, the more varied their gut microbiota. As a result, this could mean less chance of getting sick, better mood and easier weight loss. So many reasons to add different types of vegetables to your daily dishes.

What are the winter vegetables that can be considered among the healthiest? Browse the gallery to discover them.

Six types of winter vegetables that can help you lose weight
During the winter, the consumption of vegetables by many people often decreases. This is a real shame because even during this time of year you have many types of vegetables available that are good for your health and can also help you lose weight. It has been shown that the wider the range of plant foods a person eats, the more varied their gut microbiota. As a result, this could mean less chance of getting sick, better mood and easier weight loss. So many reasons to add different types of vegetables to your daily dishes. What are the winter vegetables that can be considered among the healthiest? Browse the gallery to discover them.
1. Red cabbage
Raw red cabbage in the form of a salad contains vitamins A and K and a high amount of vitamin C. These vitamins are fat-soluble, so it's okay to add a teaspoon of oil, or various seeds or nuts, to the cabbage salad.
2. Carrots
This popular crunchy root vegetable should play an important role in the winter menu. When dieting, for example, you appreciate the slightly sweet taste of carrots, which can help overcome the momentary urge to eat something sweet without nutritional benefits. The presence of fiber can also help during a diet with the purpose of losing weight.
3. Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts contain a whole range of important nutrients. The most striking is the content of vitamin K, which is important for the health of the heart, bones and brain functions. In addition, they are an excellent source of vitamins A, B and C and minerals such as manganese and potassium. When it comes to losing weight, you appreciate the high fiber content.
4. Fennel
Fennel, in the winter months, can be an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese and potassium. In addition, it has a strong anti-inflammatory activity thanks to polyphenols and contains a series of essential oils. When you are on a diet to lose weight, you appreciate its low energy value and higher fiber content. Fennel is also a source of a substance called anethole, which slightly takes away the sense of hunger.
5. Pumpkin
Pumpkin should definitely not be missing from the menu when you are on a diet to lose weight. In addition to being rich in fiber, manganese and carotenes, it helps reduce the overall energy density of food. In practice it means that it satisfies but its energy value remains low.
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