Five easy exercises to train your legs at home

One of the big problems in our lives is that we want to do so many things in the course of the day, but have no time to do them. Work and family often prevent us from spending some time for ourselves to keep fit and go to the gym.

Whether it is for health reasons or for the pure pleasure of working out, the gym is a popular hobby, but it happens that we just don't find the time to go. Fortunately, working out at home is possible, simple and, if done with a minimum of forethought, perfectly safe.

Today we want to show you five very simple exercises that you can do at home to train your legs, the dreaded 'Leg Day'.

5 easy exercises to train legs at home
One of the big problems in our lives is that we want to do so many things in the course of the day, but have no time to do them. Work and family often prevent us from spending some time for ourselves to keep fit and go to the gym. Whether it is for health reasons or for the pure pleasure of working out, the gym is a popular hobby, but it happens that we just don't find the time to go. Fortunately, working out at home is possible, simple and, if done with a minimum of forethought, perfectly safe. Today we want to show you five very simple exercises that you can do at home to train your legs, the dreaded 'Leg Day'.
Gluteal bridge
From a supine position, with your legs bent, keep your arms stretched out along your sides, contract your glutes and lift your pelvis so that your knees, pelvis and chest, form a straight line.
Perfect exercise for legs and glutes, also useful for cardio. With a step, on the couch or along the stairs (generally with a riser), stand in front of the riser, raise one leg, place it on the riser and, pushing on the heel, lift up until the other foot is raised too.
Exercise for glutes and quadriceps, there are different versions involving different muscles. Execution: starting standing with your back in a neutral position, you perform a retroversion of the pelvis and descend to knee height, forming a right angle between your knees and glutes.
They involve glutes, quadriceps and triceps femoris. There are also several versions here. The basic one involves bringing one foot forward and descending while keeping the knee perpendicular to the foot of the front leg, lowering until the knee of the back leg touches the ground
Slings with elastic bands
They can be performed in quadrupedes or standing. They include different versions that train different muscle groups, namely abductors, adductors and gluteal muscles. For example, if they are performed in a standing position, the elastic band is placed just below the knees: holding the weight on one leg, the other leg is opened and closed laterally while keeping the elastic band under tension. In this way, the abductors are trained.
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