Winter sports and nutrition: some tips for proper nutrition

What to eat when practicing winter sports?

When you decide to spend a day in the mountains practicing sports, it is good to take care of the diet as well as being prepared from a physical-athletic point of view. Before skiing, for example, you need to eat a meal that can provide a good amount of carbohydrates needed in the first part of the day and maintain a constant glycemic index.

To maintain the level of sugar in the blood, the ideal is to eat at least 3 hours before the race, opting for foods rich in carbohydrates with a moderate intake of protein. Better to avoid heavy or very complex foods because they could slow down digestion! Let's see together some useful tips.

What to eat when practicing winter sports?
When you decide to spend a day in the mountains practicing sports, it is good to take care of the diet as well as being prepared from a physical-athletic point of view. Let's see together some useful tips.
Breakfast is a fundamental meal because it provides the energy necessary to spend the morning hours in shape. Our advice is to start the day with a cup of milk or a jar of low-fat yogurt, to be accompanied with 5/6 dry biscuits or 3/4 rusks (preferably wholemeal). You can also eat jam or honey. Alternatively, an empty brioche can also be fine, accompanied by a fruit or a fruit juice.
As for the mid-day meal, the advice is to have lunch with a single dish: a pasta seasoned with meat sauce or legumes or a hot soup with vegetables, legumes and cereals. Alternatively, you can focus on a classic: a dish of polenta accompanied by stew. Avoid dishes rich in fat, difficult to digest, which make us poorly performing.
Chocolate: energy at will
Dark chocolate is, along with caffeine, one of the best foods that can provide ready energy. But be careful not to consume excessively: it has a high calorie content.
Alcohol: let's debunk a myth
According to legend, alcohol helps protect against the cold, but this is just a false myth. Alcoholic beverages give an ephemeral feeling of "heat" only immediately, but when this ends it produces negative effects, worsening the feeling of cold.
The physical activity carried out during the day allows us to eat a little freer, but this does not mean being able to binge at dinner. Be careful to limit the use of sauces, dips and cooking methods that are too caloric. Our advice is to dine with a plate of gnocchi seasoned with vegetables or tomato and raw oil as well as pasta or rice. Following a second course of meat, preferably white meat such as chicken, rabbit, turkey. Even better, if you find it fresh and quality, fish, accompanied by fresh or steamed vegetables.
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