Symptoms that may reveal that you suffer from water retention

Water retention occurs when the body's tissues tend to retain fluids, causing swelling that can then cause pain and other problems.

Water retention can be generalized or it can be localized, and it usually generates some symptoms that can help detect and then treat it.

We conclude with a mention of causes. Water retention is often related to certain diseases but also to situations such as excessive environmental heat, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or use of the birth control pill.

What is water retention
Water retention occurs when the body's tissues tend to retain fluids, causing swelling that can then cause pain and other problems. Water retention can be generalized or it can be localized and usually generates certain symptoms that can help to detect and then treat it.
Probable pathological causes
Water retention is often related to certain diseases. Diseases such as arthritis, liver cirrhosis, emphysema, kidney failure, food intolerances, hypothyroidism, allergic reactions, heart failure, premenstrual syndrome can cause water retention.
Probable causes related to other situations
In addition to certain diseases, water retention can be caused by other situations such as excessive heat, the menstrual cycle, nutritional deficiencies, taking the birth control pill, pregnancy status, chronic venous insufficiency, and the use of certain medications (such as those that regulate blood pressure).
Symptoms of water retention
Those who suffer from water retention may experience some of these symptoms: feeling of heaviness and swelling in the legs, abdominal bloating, fatigue, tingling and pain in the limbs.
Quick test to tell if you suffer from water retention
Before you rely on your doctor and investigations to find the cause and determine treatment, you can tell if you suffer from water retention by performing a simple test. Place your thumb firmly on the front of your thigh and press down with some pressure. If, after the pressure, the impression remains for several seconds, then you are likely to suffer from water retention.
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