Signs that you may be dealing with a pathological narcissist

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by exaggerated and dramatic behavior, poor emotional regulation and impulsivity.

The narcissist tends to have an expectation of receiving special treatment from others that will somehow reflect his perceived superior status and to seek immediate fulfillment to his or her own expectations.

When the level of narcissism is high, this can be detrimental to family, emotional and professional relationships.

What is the narcissistic personality disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder is characterised by exaggerated and dramatic behaviour, poor emotional regulation and impulsivity. The narcissist tends to have an expectation of receiving special treatment from others that somehow reflects his or her perceived superior status and to seek immediate fulfilment of his or her expectations. When the level of narcissism is high, this can be detrimental to family, emotional and professional relationships.
Lack of empathy toward others
Those suffering from narcissistic personality disorder have a great sense of self and need excessive admiration. The pathological narcissist generally has superficial and instrumental relationships (i.e. tends to 'serve' others) but above all has a total lack of empathy towards other people. Not having empathy means being unable to put oneself in another person's state of mind or situation, having little or no emotional involvement.
Symptoms that might reveal pathological narcissism
To tell whether you are dealing with a person suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, five or more of the following symptoms should be found: belief that you deserve special treatment, that you have unique talents, that you are brilliant and attractive; belief that you are not sufficiently appreciated; sense of apathy and emptiness despite any successes in life; fantasies of unlimited success, charm, beauty, power; tendency to exploit others; feelings of contempt, shame, envy and arrogant attitudes; demand for excessive admiration; lack of empathy toward others. (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders).
Disorders that may be associated with pathological narcissism
Narcissistic personality disorder may occur together with other events such as depression, substance abuse, social anxiety and other personality disorders (especially borderline personality disorder). All this can make both diagnosis and treatment more complex.
Pathological narcissism and toxic relationships
Those dealing with a person with pathological narcissism may establish the so-called toxic relationships that are usually characterized by devaluation, blaming, manipulation, sense of inadequacy, and isolation of what is generally considered the narcissist's "victim."
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