Home remedies against colds

Home remedies against colds. Cold period.

Stuffy nose, irritated airways, burning throat and cough are the classic signs. A cold is caused by viruses transmitted from person to person through sneezing or coughing.

It can last about a week, but by using some home remedies you can speed up the healing process.

A remedy? Make sure the air is humid enough by hanging slightly wet towels on radiators if necessary and ventilating regularly.

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Cold period. Stuffy nose, irritated airways, burning throat and cough are the classic signs. A cold is caused by viruses transmitted from person to person through sneezing or coughing. It can last about a week, but by using some home remedies you can speed up the healing process.
The advice is to drink at least two liters of water or tea a day, perhaps with herbal infusions or ginger tea with lemon. Tea is one of the most effective remedies ever against colds. It is useful to quickly eliminate waste products such as mucus and restore fluidity.
Go out
Going outside is very important, but with caution. During a cold cover up well and go out every day for an hour in the fresh air.
Stay in bed: do not rush to resume sports and demanding physical work. It is better to wait until the symptoms have subsided.
Make sure the air is humid enough by hanging slightly wet towels on radiators if necessary and ventilating regularly.
After taking a bath, lie down immediately in bed well covered and sweat for about 30 minutes.
Natural syrup
Make your own cough syrup. You can use an onion: chop it, arrange it in a glass jar, cover with honey and let stand overnight. Then take the syrup several times by spoonfuls. The sulfur compounds present in the onion dissolve mucus.
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