High blood pressure? These tips can help lower it, science says
Blood pressure is a parameter that should always be kept under observation. In fact, it is a general index of the body's health: if out of normal, it can cause several problems that are certainly not insignificant.
Some people suffer from hypotension, that is, low blood pressure, but the most common condition, partly because it is due to advancing age, is hypertension, that is, very high blood pressure, over 90 minimum and over 140 maximum generally.
Fighting hypertension starts, as it almost always does, at the table. In fact, some tips may be useful for you to keep it within healthy limits, just as the consumption of some foods is more recommended than others. Which ones? Let's find out together.
High blood pressure? These tips can help lower it, science says
Blood pressure is a parameter that should always be kept under observation. In fact, it is a general index of the body's health: if it is out of the norm, it can cause a number of problems. Some people suffer from hypotension, i.e. low blood pressure, but the most common condition, also because it is due to advancing age, is hypertension, i.e. very high blood pressure, over 90 minimum and over 140 maximum generally. To combat hypertension, we start, as almost always, from the table. Certain tips may in fact be useful to keep it within healthy limits, just as the consumption of certain foods is more recommended than others. Which ones? Let's find out together.
Eating little or no salt is the first rule
Dr. Paola De Luca, a researcher at Irccs Hospital Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio and nutritionist at the Punto Raf First Clinic in Milan, talks about the difficulty of stopping eating salt, as our palate has become accustomed to the taste of savory foods. Count, however, that for every gram of salt there are 400 mg of sodium, which is what is bad for you. One should not consume more than five grams of salt per day, considering also what is naturally in foods. There is no need to stop all of a sudden, just gradually lower the amounts of salt so that you get used to it without "trauma."
There are alternatives to salt
Just season your dishes with something other than salt. If you really don't want to give it up, at least that you switch to typical sodium salt, thus with a significantly lower amount of sodium. But still there remain many other alternatives, such as herbs (sage, thyme, basil, parsley, etc...) and spices, such as ginger, cloves, saffron, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, and chili.
Eating few cured meats is essential
Of course, foods also have a certain amount of salt in them. Those suffering from hypertension, therefore, should avoid, for example, all kinds of cured meats, as well as cheeses, especially aged cheeses. Same for ready-made sauces, which are often flavored with huge amounts of salt. For a snack, it would be better to have something like tuna in oil, which, despite having a higher amount of calories, still has less salt.
As with everything, alcohol is also bad for blood pressure
Some of the great enemies of blood pressure are alcoholic beverages, of all kinds, and also fatty foods. Both of these "habits" promote higher blood pressure, and therefore should be limited to the indispensable minimum. Eliminate from your mind fast food, do not go there if you are hypertensive. One tip for parents is not to add salt to the foods of children under the age of two, so that they do not become accustomed to the saltiness.
Eating bananas is a good habit
We say bananas but it actually applies to fruits and vegetables in general. In fact, one of the big enemies of hypertension is potassium, and this mineral is present in huge amounts in bananas themselves. However, it is also a high-calorie fruit, so it is not suitable for overweight people.
Eating whole grain bread and pasta
Whole grains are one of the best foods you can eat. Not only are they a great source of potassium, just like bananas but with fewer calories, but they also have many other properties. First of all, they are great for people who suffer from diabetes, since they lower the glycemic index. In addition, they are a primary source of fiber, so they are useful for people suffering from constipation or intestinal problems.
Blue fish is a source of potassium and Omega3
Those suffering from hypertension should eat large amounts of sardines, mackerel, herring and similar fish, as they contain a huge amount of potassium and more. In fact, blue fish provides a large amount of protein and also Omega3.
Artichokes: the secret ally for blood pressure
Since physical health begins at the table, one cannot fail to mention artichokes, a food rich in potassium, but not only. In fact, artichokes have a cleansing action for the entire body and protect the liver. They are also a great source of fiber and vitamins.
Eat lots of legumes
Legumes, just like whole grains, are a veritable mine of potassium, as well as being high in fiber. Legumes are also a very viable alternative to meat in vegetarian and vegan diets, since they contain so much plant protein.
Nuts snacks are good for blood pressure
Again because of the large amounts of potassium it contains, dried fruits are also ideal for those with high blood pressure. However, one should not overdo it. One should not take more than 30 grams per day, divided into two snacks in mid-morning and mid-afternoon, as dried fruits are very caloric.