Never give up: how to overcome mental limits thanks to the 40% rule

Never give up: how to overcome mental limits thanks to the 40% rule.

Sometimes it happens that you can no longer move forward: whether it is a physical or mental effort, at a certain point it seems impossible to continue.

This rule serves to overcome an emotional block from which it is difficult to get out with rationality: what must be clear is that often our mind blocks us long before we have fully exploited our potential, and it does so to protect us. If you decide to take advantage of this rule you have to be very careful because going too far beyond your limits can be harmful. Why does this happen? And how can this obstacle be overcome? Browse the photo gallery to find out more about the 40% rule.

The 40% rule
Sometimes it happens that you can no longer move forward: whether it is a physical or mental effort, at a certain point it seems impossible to continue. Why does this happen? And how can this obstacle be overcome? Browse the photo gallery to find out more about the 40% rule.
Overcoming mental blockage
During a prolonged effort, such as training or performing a job, our brain becomes convinced that we are no longer able to move forward. Our psyche in its own way is trying to protect us from making an effort, but the limit is not physical, it is only mental. Let's find out together how to overcome it.
The example of the marathon
In marathons, for example, the "30 km wall" is well known, beyond which most runners struggle to continue. But this blockage does not depend on the body or training, but on our mind. At that point it is essential to be psychologically trained to overcome the block and the 40% rule is perfect for this situation. Continue to discover the motto on which this rule is based.
The motto of the rule
The motto on which the 40% law is based is: "When the mind tells you to surrender, you have actually used only 40% of your energy". This percentage is obviously indicative and varies from person to person, but it means that you can still make a lot of effort, about 60%. How does it work exactly?
Who is the author of the rule
The creator of this rule was Jesse Itzler, an American entrepreneur who came to this thesis after a meeting with a soldier of the Navy Seal, a corps of US special forces. The military helped Itzler encouraging and spurring him to overcome obstacles that seemed insurmountable thanks to this rule in use in the American Navy, famous for its determination and willpower.
Health first
This rule serves to overcome an emotional block from which it is difficult to get out with rationality. What must be clear is that often our mind blocks us long before we have fully exploited our potential, and it does so to protect us. For this reason it is good to listen to your body and mind, because otherwise the risk is to cause damage, but always keeping this rule in mind. Very often training the body is not enough, it is essential to train the mind too.
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