Mushrooms: all the properties of a tasty and healthy food

Mushrooms are low-calorie foods, rich in minerals such as phosphorus and potassium. Useful for the immune system, they are also used for the cardiovascular system. Each mushroom has its own scientific name. The name of the black porcupine is Boletus aereus; the cardoncello is Pleutotus eryngii; the chanterelle is Hydnum rufescens or repandum, just to mention a few of the most common.

Rich in healthful substances
They are an excellent source of minerals, particularly phosphorus, potassium, selenium and magnesium.
They help the immune system
Mushrooms are considered an excellent aid for the immune system and are often recommended in the diet during the change of seasons to help the body defend itself better.
Several species of mushrooms are edible
There are dozens of species of mushrooms each with its own particular taste.
They can be used in many recipes
Mushrooms lend themselves to the preparation of so many dishes. Just one mushroom is enough to spice up vegetable broth or enrich a tomato sauce.
They can be dried
Mushrooms retain their nutritional characteristics even when dried; therefore, in the absence of fresh mushrooms, dried ones will do just fine.
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