Stretching exercises to do in the morning as soon as you wake up

Doing stretching exercises, in the morning, as soon as you wake up, can be very useful so that our body can face the day with greater energy.

When we get out of bed, our body has potentially spent several hours in the same position, so the muscles need a few moments to recover and prepare for daily activities. The stretching serves all this.

It only takes a few minutes and a few exercises to reach the goal. Thanks to the stretching exercises as soon as you wake up, the body leaves behind the possible stiffening developed during the night. Those who have little time could, for example, focus on the most stiffened parts.

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The importance of stretching as soon as you wake up
Doing stretching exercises, in the morning, as soon as you wake up, can be very useful so that our body can face the day with greater energy. When we get out of bed, our body has potentially spent several hours in the same position, so the muscles need a few moments to recover and prepare for daily activities. The stretching serves all this. It only takes a few minutes and a few exercises to reach the goal. Thanks to the stretching exercises as soon as you wake up, the body leaves behind the possible stiffening developed during the night. Those who have little time could, for example, focus on the most stiffened parts.
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Stretching exercises
Muscle stretching exercises are essential in the morning, as soon as you wake up. Among all those that can be done here is one: sit on the ground, stretch one leg and cross the other and then stretch with the torso towards the elongated leg. Stand still for a few seconds and go back up. After repeating everything for a maximum of 5 times, repeat the series by stretching the other leg.
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Leg exercise
Among the morning stretching exercises for the legs you can try this, very easy: staying in an upright position, lift one leg back and try to grab the foot, pushing it upwards. Stay like this for a few seconds and then repeat with the other leg.
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Exercise for shoulders and neck
Among the stretching exercises to try when you wake up, here is a simple one to help your neck and shoulders: staying upright, raise your arms and bring an arm behind your back. With the hand of the other arm grab the elbow and try to push, without exaggerating too much. Stay like this for a few seconds and repeat with the other arm.
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Neck exercise
The neck is a problematic part for many people. This is why it is important to take care of it, even with morning stretching exercises. Among those that can be done, very simple to recline the neck sideways and with one hand push (very gently) the head down, to ensure that the muscles tense. After a few seconds return to position and repeat on the other side.
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