Here's how not to be stressed and be able to sleep

Most people fail to benefit from the classic eight hours of sleep at night recommended by doctors. Are you unable to sleep because you feel stressed? Are you stressed because you can't sleep? This vicious cycle is one that affects too many of us. With demanding jobs and pressures from all sides from the media, it is no wonder that many of us are dealing with the side effects of 21st century living. Sleeping pills are not always the answer. Taking a holistic approach to your overall health and sleep habits will help you on your journey to a good night's sleep without invasive side effects. We have some suggestions and tips on how to fall asleep and sleep even when stressed.

People who suffer from anxiety often have difficulty falling asleep, wake up frequently during the night, get up too early in the morning, or experience unrestorative sleep. These symptoms of insomnia are fueled by stress, pain, worry, and interrupted sleep schedules.
The best solutions to overcome daytime sleepiness are to stick to a normal sleep routine and get extra rest if your body needs it.
"Choosing a good mattress can make a difference in the quality of sleep you get at night and the way you feel during the day," said Dr. Gary Zammit of the Sleep Disorders Institute.
Nightmares, vivid, long, frightening dreams, are more frequent during periods of stress and anxiety. Traumatic events can increase the occurrence of nightmares.
To reduce the possibility of having nightmares, one should avoid eating directly before bedtime and reduce caffeine and alcohol intake, as each will increase brain activity that can disrupt sleep
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