Bipolar disorder: possible causes and symptoms
Bipolar disorder is characterised by alternating phases in which mania or depression may, from time to time, prevail. The symptoms of each may then vary.
Bipolar disorder generally begins during adolescence or around the age of 20 or 30 and can be classified as bipolar disorder type I, bipolar disorder type II or bipolar disorder not otherwise specified.
The causes of this type of disorder can be many and varied. (Source:
What is bipolar disorder and its classifications
Bipolar disorder is characterised by alternating phases in which mania or depression may, from time to time, prevail. The symptoms of each may then vary. Bipolar disorder generally begins during adolescence or around the age of 20 or 30 and can be classified as bipolar disorder type I, bipolar disorder type II or bipolar disorder not otherwise specified. The causes of this type of disorder can be many and varied. (Source:
The depressive phase
When bipolar disorder goes through the depressive phase, the most common symptoms may be: depressed and constant mood throughout the day, decreased interest in activities of daily living, lack of motivation, anxiety, recurrent crying, reduced concentration, feelings of guilt, sleep disturbances, agitation, possible suicidal ideation.
The manic phase
When bipolar disorder goes through the mania phase, the most common symptoms may be excessive euphoria, increased talkativeness, reduced need for sleep, loss of contact with reality, and high-risk behaviour.
The possible causes
The causes of bipolar disorder can be varied, although the exact cause remains unknown. The triggering factors for bipolar disorder may be biological, genetic or psychosocial. Other risk factors are: a bereavement, a period of severe stress, a traumatic event, the use of addictive substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.).
Correlations with other events
Bipolar disorder is frequently correlated with hyperactivity, attention deficit, anxiety disorders, eating disorders or other personality disorders.