Chamomile: all the beneficial principles of this flower

Chamomile is a plant with many beneficial properties that has been used for centuries all over the world as a natural remedy to alleviate various ailments.

Its infusion has a sweet and pleasant aroma that promotes relaxation and calm, but that's not all: this flower contains active elements including flavonoids, terpenes, mucilage and coumarins that make it a true health ally. In this photogallery, we will look at all the active principles of camomile and its beneficial effects on our organism.

We will discover the secrets of one of the most appreciated and used herbs in natural medicine.

Chamomile: all the beneficial principles of this flower
Chamomile is a plant with many beneficial properties that has been used for centuries all over the world as a natural remedy to alleviate various ailments. Its infusion has a sweet and pleasant aroma that promotes relaxation and calm, but that's not all: this flower contains active elements including flavonoids, terpenes, mucilage and coumarins that make it a true health ally. In this photogallery, we will look at all the active principles of camomile and its beneficial effects on our organism. We will discover the secrets of one of the most appreciated and used herbs in natural medicine.
Chamomile is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the Asteraceae family and the genus Matricaria.
It has calming properties
A herbal tea prepared with chamomile flowers has always been taken for a more relaxed sleep.
Antiallergic principles
Chamomile is also used for its anti-allergic principles
Anti-inflammatory properties
Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory properties
Analgesic properties
Chamomile also has analgesic properties and can be used to relieve headaches or toothache
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