Overtraining could be a health risk, study finds

Sport and physical activity are essential to stay healthy, but even in their case the rule applies that it is always better not to overdo it. Sport yes, in short, but in the right way and in the right quantities.

Training with too much intensity, according to a recent study published in the 'Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine', could compromise the heart and have a whole series of harmful consequences on health.

Yes, then, to regular but not too exaggerated sporting activity, especially when there are special conditions that advise against excessive exercise.

Abusing sports activity is not good for health
Sport and physical activity are essential to stay healthy, but even in their case the rule applies that it is always better not to overdo it. Sport yes, in short, but in the right way and in the right quantities. Training with too much intensity, according to a recent study published in the 'Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine', could compromise the heart and have a whole series of harmful consequences on health. Yes, then, to regular but not too exaggerated sporting activity, especially when there are special conditions that advise against excessive exercise.
The risk of arterial fibrillation
According to the study published in the 'Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine', training intensively for years may cause an increase in the development of atrial fibrillation, especially in male subjects. This was particularly found in people who have been involved in competitive cycling, running or triathlon. Those who develop fibrillation may then have an increased risk of stroke.
Disorders related to physical activity abuse
Dosing up on physical activity would, in short, be the perfect recipe for getting the maximum benefit from sport. On the contrary, abusing it can lead to a whole series of ailments that could even have unfortunate outcomes. We are talking about inflammation, mechanical and metabolic stress, which could particularly affect those who are no longer very young.
Attention to the heart
If physical activity is regular and not taken to excess, it can strengthen the heart and bring a whole series of benefits that do not stop at the physical level. However, it is a good idea to have regular check-ups, which can help diagnose any cardiac arrhythmias that could cause serious damage in the long run. The checks are also necessary because, often, arrhythmias may initially manifest themselves without giving obvious symptoms.
Controls and risk factors
The controls become even more relevant in the case of individuals over 65 years of age who may present a clinical picture with one or more risk factors for both cardiovascular disease and stroke. These are, in particular, obesity or overweight, diabetes mellitus, the presence of cardiovascular disease, hypertension. Special attention should also be paid to smokers. Exaggerating with physical intensity, in these cases, could be even more dangerous.
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