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Choosing your priorities and keeping them. How to avoid delaying commitments

It can happen that we postpone commitments, which we know are important, in order to devote time to pleasant and less urgent activities.

This attitude is called procrastination and is a common problem that affects many people. Procrastination is the interval - usually short but decisive - between the moment we think about tackling a task and the moment we decide to give up and put it off until another time. 

It can be difficult to overcome, but there are measures you can take to prevent it. Could procrastination also be your problem? In our gallery we reveal some useful tips:

How to prevent procrastination?
Procrastination is the -usually short but crucial- period between the time we think about tackling a task and the time we decide to give up and put it off until another time. It can be difficult to overcome, but there are steps you can take to prevent it.
A to-do list -- and then get started
One of the most effective ways to prevent procrastination is to create a schedule or a to-do list. This list can help you stay organized and focused on the tasks you know how to accomplish. Planning your tasks can be a great idea but then you have to get started, otherwise you are just wasting time.
Think less and act more
Thinking about a commitment instead of facing it only magnifies it. Every day that you think and do not act, the commitment grows until it becomes an impossible mountain to climb. Planning is essential to then acting on it.
A to-do list according to their priority
Be sure to prioritize your tasks according to their importance and deadline. This index will help avoid wasting time on activities that are not so urgent. Starting with the most difficult tasks is an excellent time management technique and also an exceptional tool to combat procrastination.
One step at a time, all the way to the finish line
It is essential to focus on the present, on the first step to be taken: once you have started, overcoming the initial inertia, everything will flow more easily. Having overcome the first step, one moves on to the next and so on. Like a great cycling race in stages.
Specific goals
Set specific goals for each activity and create a plan on how to accomplish them. This can help you stay motivated and avoid distractions. Learning to complete important tasks will ward off the danger of procrastination.
Taking breaks to maintain concentration
Remember to take breaks to maintain concentration and avoid burnout. Know yourself to stop before completely exhausting mental and physical resources and ward off nervousness, apathy, demoralization.
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