Seven Easy Ways to Get More Protein

Getting enough protein is important for good health. Protein is essential for skin, hair, and bones, as well as for hormone balance and muscle growth (in the case of athletes). A daily value of 0.9 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is generally recommended.

However, some scientists believe that many people should eat much more than this amount. What is the correct daily intake? According to some nutritionists, a high protein intake offers several potential health benefits and can help increase weight loss, enhance muscle growth, and improve overall health. In any case, you should consult with a physician or nutritionist before making any dietary changes.

Today we reveal some tips how to get more protein. Here are the seven simple ways to eat more protein: browse the gallery to find out more!

Seven Easy Ways to Get More Protein
Getting enough protein is important for health. Proteins are essential for the skin, hair, bones, as well as for hormonal balance and muscle growth (in the case of athletes). A daily value of 0.9 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is generally recommended. However, according to some nutritionists, high protein intake offers several potential health benefits and can help increase weight loss, improve muscle growth and improve overall health. In any case, before any modification of the diet, it is necessary to consult with a doctor or certified nutritionist. Today we reveal some tips on how to take more protein. Here are the 7 easy ways to eat more protein: browse the gallery to find out more!
Making a protein shake for breakfast
Many smoothies contain a high amount of fruits, vegetables or juices but very little protein. However, a smoothie can be a great breakfast, especially if you choose nutritious ingredients. Protein powders make it easy to prepare a healthy, high-protein smoothie. There are several types on the market, including whey, soy, egg and pea proteins.
Include a high-protein food in every meal
When it comes to protein, it's not just the total amount of protein you take in each day. Sufficient intake at each meal is also important.
Add peanut butter
Peanut butter is a delicious high-protein food with a creamy texture. It is excellent for preparing various sauces to accompany meat, in the preparation of salad dressing or as a base for healthy desserts with a high protein content.
Include edamame in the diet
Edamame consists of steamed immature soybeans. Soy contains more protein than other legumes and is popular with vegetarians and vegans. One cup (155 grams) of edamame contains nearly 19 grams of protein and about 188 calories. Edamame is also rich in an antioxidant known as kaempferol. Studies in mice suggest that it may lower blood sugar and promote weight loss.
Choosing the leanest meat
By choosing leaner cuts of meat and increasing the quantity slightly, the protein content of the meal can be greatly increased. In addition, by choosing lean meat, the meal may also have fewer calories.
Choosing Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt is a versatile, protein-rich food. It is made by removing whey and other liquids to create a richer, creamier yogurt with a higher protein content.
Adding quinoa to your diet
Quinoa is a pseudo cereal with a high protein content. 1 cup (185 grams) of cooked quinoa contains 8 grams of protein. It is perfect as a healthy side dish.
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