Five Types of Tea That Help You Lose Weight

Tea is an ancient drink that is delicious and full of health.

Some teas can even help you lose weight thanks to their exceptional effects on our body. We have selected nine types of high quality that aid weight loss. For example, green tea is one of the most popular in the world. It is known for its antioxidant effects, multiple sclerosis protection and is often recommended in diets as well, because it helps you lose weight.

Browse the gallery to discover other types of teas useful to help you lose weight.

Five Types of Tea That Help You Lose Weight
Browse the gallery to discover other types of teas useful to help you lose weight.
Oolong tea is a type of semi-oxidized tea produced in China and Taiwan
The harvested leaves are immediately dried in the sun, rolled up and dried. This non-traditional production method gives tea Oolong effects that help the process of fat burning and weight loss. Researchers from University of Tsukuba, Japan, support this, according to which the infusion would stimulate weight loss during the night hours dedicated to rest.
Matcha tea is a special type of green tea that is grown in Japan.
From tea bushes, only the finest and greenest leaves are harvested, which are ground manually into a fine powder. Matcha tea is the most expensive in the world. The secret to Matcha tea is that it works as a fat blocker. It binds to fat cells and prevents them from entering the body. In this way fat passes through the intestinal tract. The strong detoxifying effects of Matchaare also not negligible.
Tea Pu-erh is considered medicinal by traditional Chinese medicine. It is definitely the most drunk tea in China.
Pu-erh is one of the oldest teas in the world and is called "Chinese penicillin" for its medicinal properties. The Pu-erh is made with black tea. In addition to its detoxifying effects, it also acts as a natural antidepressant and as a support for concentration and other brain activities. Like black tea, Pu-erh suppresses the feeling of hunger. The disadvantage is its earthy taste, which may not appeal to everyone.
Rooibos is the afrikaans name of a plant that grows in South Africa.
Roiboos is not real tea. For infusion, also called Red bush or African red tea, chopped leaves are treated. The rooibos contains a high amount of vitamins, minerals and lowers blood glucose levels, hypertension and has a beneficial effect on the quality of the skin. 
White tea, it has been cultivated since ancient times in India, China and Japan
It is so called because it is obtained by selecting only tea buds covered with a silver-white down. White tea contains a large amount of antioxidants and minerals. White tea supports the breakdown of fat from fat stores and prevents the accumulation of fat in fat cells.
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