Overtraining: what it is, symptoms and prevention

Overtraining: what it is, symptoms and prevention.

This physical condition occurs when, during a training session, a drop in performance is felt because the body has not been able to recover from the previous training. This occurs when the intensity of the training program is increased too quickly and therefore the efforts necessary to put it into practice. A runner accustomed to running 10 km who from one week to the next decides to cover 3 times that distance, risks experiencing overtraining syndrome. The body does not have time to adapt and therefore performance drops. But there are other reasons.

Most importantly, there is a remedy. Browse the photo gallery to find out what it is.

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Overtraining: what is it?
This physical condition occurs when, during a training session, a drop in performance is felt because the body has not been able to recover from the previous training.
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Why does overtraining syndrome occur?
This occurs when the intensity of the training program is increased too quickly and therefore the efforts necessary to put it into practice. A runner accustomed to running 10 km who from one week to the next decides to cover 3 times that distance, risks experiencing overtraining syndrome. The body does not have time to adapt and therefore performance drops. Another reason may depend on nutrition: inadequate nutrition and poor water intake can cause overtraining syndrome.
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What are the symptoms?
Insomnia/sleep disorders. Generalized feeling of tiredness and lethargy. Decreased performance despite increased workouts.
What are the symptoms?
Increased vulnerability, increased risk of getting sore throats, colds and other minor ailments.
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What are the symptoms?
Rapid weight loss. Elevated heart rate and blood pressure even at rest. Irregularities of the menstrual cycle, due to hormonal imbalances. Generalized feeling of weakness or reduced strength.
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What are the remedies?
Take at least a week's break from training and relax
What are the remedies?
Follow a balanced and healthy diet and hydrate well.
How to avoid overtraining in the future?
Reduce weekly training days. Increase the intensity gradually and rest between workouts: rest is a crucial part of any routine.
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