Smiling is good and brings many benefits, science confirms

Happiness leads to a smile but what if the opposite is possible? That is, does the smile bring happiness?

International researchers from the University of Stanford tried to answer the question and published the outcome in the journal Nature Human Behaviour. And the answer was as follows: just simulate a smile for the mood to benefit.

The reason is simple: facial expressions provide a sensorimotor feedback that then contributes to the feeling of emotion. And smiling brings many benefits.

The benefits of a smile
Happiness leads to a smile but what if the opposite is possible? That is, does the smile bring happiness? International researchers from the American University of Stanford tried to answer the question and published the result in the journal Nature Human Behaviour. And the answer was as follows: just simulate a smile for the mood to benefit. The reason is simple: facial expressions provide a sensorimotor feedback that then contributes to the feeling of emotion. And smiling brings many benefits.
Smiling helps release emotions
Smiling, or better yet, having a good laugh, helped to release the emotions we tend to block. How much better do you feel after a smile or a laugh?!
The smile is a facial gymnastics
The smile is a real facial gymnastics. Smiling helps to relax the muscles of the face, thus helping to make the skin firmer.
The importance of smiling in relationships with others
Smiling in the workplace, study or in general in environments where you are in contact with other people, helps to make relationships with others more harmonious. Seriousness is good when working or studying but also the smile is important to better achieve the goals, being more serene.
The smile as a recharge of energy
Smiling helps to improve people's performance. When you smile you recharge, you have more self-confidence, you feel better and therefore you are more likely to work to achieve your goals.
The smile is contagious
Smiling is contagious. To restore good humor to someone who is not having a good time, there is nothing better than doing it by giving him a smile. For this reason it would be good to always surround yourself with positive people, ready to give a smile.
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