These symptoms could reveal appendicitis

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix that can appear suddenly or develop over time. 

The appendix is a small hollow appendage, between 5 and 10 centimetres long, located in the lower right part of the abdomen, in the colon. It is not known for sure what the function of the appendix is, but the most likely hypothesis is that it is a lymphatic organ that has an influence on the immune system in the first years of life.

When appendicitis occurs there are a whole series of symptoms that should alarm the person and it is essential to seek medical attention immediately (source: Auxologico di Milano).

What is the appendix and what is it for
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix that can appear suddenly or develop over time. The appendix is a small hollow appendage, between 5 and 10 centimetres long, located in the lower right part of the abdomen, in the colon. It is not known for sure what the function of the appendix is, but the most likely hypothesis is that it is a lymphatic organ that has an influence on the immune system in the first years of life. When appendicitis occurs there are a whole series of symptoms that should alarm the person and it is essential to seek medical attention immediately (source: Auxologico di Milano).
Who appendicitis affects and how to prevent it
Appendicitis can affect anyone indiscriminately: women, men and people of any age. However, there is a higher incidence in childhood and adolescence. There are no real strategies to prevent appendicitis but having a balanced diet, doing regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can be helpful.
The probable causes
The causes of appendicitis are not always easy to identify. One of the most common causes of the inflammation that triggers it is obstruction of the opening of this small intestinal tract, which then causes bacteria to proliferate.
Symptoms that might reveal appendicitis
The most common symptoms of appendicitis are stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, chills and fever, constipation or diarrhoea, abdominal bloating and general malaise. However, the main symptom is abdominal pain, which usually appears suddenly, starts in the area around the navel or sometimes at the mouth of the stomach, and then radiates towards the lower right side of the stomach. The pain becomes progressively more intense within a few hours.
Complications of appendicitis
If immediate action is not taken, the inflammation can lead to perforation of the appendix. The peritoneum, the thin membrane that surrounds all abdominal organs, becomes inflamed and results in peritonitis.
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