Diseases that can worsen in hot weather

Symptoms of some diseases can worsen when temperatures start to be too high.

This is because excessive heat can alter thermoregulation systems or increase the fragility of the body in those suffering from certain illnesses. Relying on the advice of doctors to cope with these times of the year is undoubtedly the best solution.

Let us try to better understand which pathologies can be worse in the heat and how to behave in certain cases.

What happens in the heat when you suffer from certain diseases
Symptoms of some diseases can worsen when temperatures start to be too high. This is because excessive heat can alter thermoregulation systems or increase the fragility of the body in those suffering from certain illnesses. Relying on the advice of doctors to cope with these times of the year is undoubtedly the best solution. Let us try to better understand which pathologies can be worse in the heat and how to behave in certain cases.
Managing pressure when it is too hot
Low blood pressure sufferers may run the risk of syncope when the heat becomes excessive. This happens because high temperatures cause the blood vessels to dilate. The danger of this happening increases when you move, rather quickly, from lying to standing. On the other hand, when you are hypertensive and take medication for this, you may need to consult your doctor to review your doses.
Cardiovascular diseases
Excessive heat can also severely affect the health of those with heart problems. Those who have already had heart attacks or who have high cholesterol should be particularly careful. Dehydration caused by high temperatures may also cause thrombus formation and thus increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Diabetes and respiratory diseases
With high temperatures, those suffering from diabetes are also at greater risk of cardiovascular problems and should drink even more abundantly. Particular attention should also be paid to those with respiratory diseases, as the excess heat could encourage asthma episodes and dyspnoea.
Kidney and gastrointestinal diseases
Finally, excessive heat causes more difficulty for those who, among others, suffer from kidney problems as sweating more causes urine to become more concentrated and more likely to form stones and develop colic. Special attention should also be paid to those suffering from gastrointestinal problems as excessive heat and temperature changes may cause abdominal pain and other unpleasant consequences.
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