Health effects of a long plane journey

In recent years, air travel has become increasingly frequent, whether for professional or personal purposes.

But, while long journeys offer the opportunity to discover faraway and fascinating places, they can also entail a number of non-negligible health effects.

From jet lag to tourist class syndrome, today we will examine the possible complications associated with long plane journeys and suggest ways to prevent or mitigate them.

Health effects of a long plane journey
In recent years, air travel has become increasingly frequent, whether for professional or personal purposes. But, while long journeys offer the opportunity to discover faraway and fascinating places, they can also entail a number of non-negligible health effects. From jet lag to tourist class syndrome, today we will examine the possible complications associated with long plane journeys and suggest ways to prevent or mitigate them.
Malaise due to high altitude, such as earache, headache, drowsiness and bowel problems. Aeroplane take-off and landing phases are the most delicate, as the sudden change in pressure disrupts the body.
Dehydration is common during long flights due to the dry cabin air. It is important to drink plenty of water before and during the flight to prevent dehydration.
Blood clots
On long flights, standing still for long periods can produce potentially dangerous blood clots. It is important to move around every couple of hours, hydrate, avoid alcohol, and wear compression stockings in case of special conditions.
Neck and back pain
Neck and back pain are quite common when travelling long distances. The advice is to use pillows to protect your neck and back, get up from time to time and walk if possible.
Travel anxiety can be caused by fear of flying, confined spaces or medical complications, resulting in insomnia and hyperventilation. Travelling with an experienced companion, cognitive-behavioural therapy or taking anti-anxiety medication can help.
Jet lag
Jet lag, a common malaise on long air journeys, can be mitigated by adjusting to the time of arrival. Useful tips include moving every two hours, staying hydrated, avoiding alcohol and, for passengers with certain medical conditions, wearing compression stockings.
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