How to choose sunglasses? Some useful tips to protect your eyesight

During the summer, spending time outdoors greatly increases the exposure of the eyes to reflective surfaces such as beaches, the sea or lawns. This requires special care to protect the eyes from the damage caused by solar radiation, just like skin in the sun. Sunglasses have been classified by the European Union as 'personal protective equipment' because they are fitted with ophthalmic lenses that perform the function of protecting the eyes from ultraviolet (UV) radiation. 

Therefore, sunglasses must meet certain safety and quality standards to ensure maximum eye protection.

Here are some tips for choosing sunglasses.

How to choose sunglasses?
During the summer, spending time outdoors greatly increases the exposure of the eyes to reflective surfaces such as beaches, the sea or lawns. This requires special care to protect the eyes from the damage caused by solar radiation, just like skin in the sun. Here are some of our tips for choosing sunglasses. (Source:
What are sunglasses?
Sunglasses have been classified by the European Union as 'personal protective equipment' because they are fitted with ophthalmic lenses that perform the function of protecting the eyes from ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Therefore, sunglasses must meet certain safety and quality standards to ensure maximum eye protection.
Why protect the eyes?
Protecting the eyes from exposure to the sun's UV rays and intense brightness is important for healthy vision. Sunglasses are essential in this regard and help reduce eye irritation, eyelid dermatitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis that result.
UV filter
Sunglass lenses have a UV filter to absorb UVA and UVB radiation that can cause eye damage. Ultraviolet radiation is mainly emitted by the sun and includes wavelengths from 100 to 400 nm of the electromagnetic field.
The most intense UV radiation
UV radiation becomes more intense as altitude increases, with an increase of 10-12% per 1000 metres. They are also more present when the sun is at its highest at midday, reaching its maximum height for the latitude in which one is located. Finally, the presence of clouds attenuates UV radiation, so decreasing cloudiness increases UV intensity.
Sunglasses: what requirements must they meet?
Each sunglass lens must provide information on the effectiveness of the filter in a label. There are four filter categories, ranging from zero to four, and the decision which one to choose depends on the lighting conditions. Category 0-1 offers very clear light and low light attenuation, suitable for indoors and dimly lit days. Category 2 is suitable for cloudy days and medium light, while category 3 is perfect for everyday use in the sun. Category 4 is useful for strong lighting conditions, such as high mountains and reverberant surfaces.
The CE mark (European conformity)
Sunglasses without the 'CE' mark are not safe, so do not buy them. If the lenses do not have the European conformity mark, they could damage your eyesight.
The CE marking and information note on sunglasses
The CE marking on sunglasses certifies the safety of the product and is issued by the manufacturer after passing specific conformity tests. In the information note, issued by the manufacturer, the following information must be provided: the sun filter category, the type of sun filter, the optical class (1st or 2nd, depending on the optical quality of the lens), instructions for use, cleaning and maintenance, and finally the name and address of the manufacturer or its representative in the European Community. The information note must contain specific information, such as product characteristics, UV protection classification, instructions for use and care instructions. The CE marking and the information note are important to ensure consumer safety and proper use of the product.
What are polarized sunglasses?
Polarised sunglasses are fitted with lenses that have a polarising filter and integrated sun filters. The polarising filter regulates the amount of light entering the eyes and minimises unwanted glare from shiny surfaces such as water, sand, snow, asphalt and grass lawns. These glasses also protect the eyes from harmful UV rays and prevent the risk of glare.
Protect the eyes
Therefore, in order to avoid eye damage, it is important to wear sunglasses with an adequate UV filter even on winter walks or cloudy days. In particular, it is important to choose sunglasses with quality lenses that block at least 99% of UV rays and protect the entire eye area.
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