Five scientific reasons why the sea is good for your health

The sea has always been a source of inspiration and relaxation for many people, but in addition to the aesthetic pleasure provided by the countless seascapes, science shows that the sea can bring great benefits to human health.

In this photogallery we illustrate five scientific reasons why the sea is good for our physical and mental well-being.

From the colouring of the water to the benefits of the sound of the waves breaking on the rocks, we discover together how the sea can become a true ally of health.

Five scientific reasons why the sea is good for your health
The sea has always been a source of inspiration and relaxation for many people, but in addition to aesthetic pleasure, science shows that the sea can bring great benefits to human health. In this photogallery we illustrate five scientific reasons why the sea is good for our physical and mental well-being. From the colouring of the water to the benefits of the sound of the waves breaking on the rocks, we discover together how the sea can become a true ally of health.
The color blue
A survey conducted in 2007-2008 among a sample of 600 individuals examined the effect of the colours blue and red. The study found that the tone of the ocean and sky, which are related to open environments and expansive vistas, generate serenity and calm. (Source: University of British Columbia)
Its peculiar bioclimate
A study revealed that an ocean climate with strong ventilation and uninterrupted acute ultraviolet radiation has beneficial properties for the respiratory tract. However, it is recommended to avoid such a climate if one suffers from muscle tension headaches. At the same time, seaside regions include a relaxing, calming bioclimate with regenerative properties that help in the recovery from various illnesses, such as heart attacks, seasonal allergies and even depressive neuroses. (Source: University of Milan)
The sound of waves breaking on rocks stimulates the production of feel-good body chemicals, including serotonin and dopamine, and helps relax the brain. (Source: William Dorfman, professor of psychology at Nova Southeastern University)
Reconnecting with the earth
Walking barefoot improves blood circulation, builds muscles and strengthens joints, and creates a conscious connection with nature that can relieve stress. (Source: Visit Sithonia)
Exposure to sunlight increases the body's supply of vitamin D; most cases of vitamin D deficiency are due to lack of outdoor sun exposure. (source: National Library of Medicine, Maryland)
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