Prostate health: foods that could worsen its condition

Prostate health is of paramount importance for male well-being.

However, there are often certain eating habits that can harm this organ.

In this photo gallery, we will explore eight foods that may be detrimental to prostate health. We will find out how these foods can affect the health of the organ; being aware of these foods will help you find alternatives so that you can take care of your prostate and improve your quality of life!

Prostate health: foods that could worsen its condition
Prostate health is of paramount importance for male well-being. However, there are often certain eating habits that can harm this organ. In this photo gallery, we explore eight foods that may be harmful to prostate health. Being aware of these foods will help you find alternatives so that you can take care of your prostate and improve your quality of life. (source: Opt Health)
Non-organic chicken
Non-organic chicken may contain heterocyclic amines, substances that can induce prostate cancer in rats and damage DNA in cultured human prostate tissue. Strongly discouraged if you do not know the source.
Dairy products
Most dairy products contain saturated fats that are not ideal for prostate health. Better to opt for something else and not take any risks.
Caffeine can bring discomfort because it acts as a diuretic, increasing the need to urinate. Reducing caffeine intake, including coffee, tea and soft drinks is recommended for those suffering from prostate problems.
Spicy and acidic foods
Spicy and acidic foods tend to inflame the bladder and prostate, increasing primary urinary symptoms in men suffering from prostate disease. Avoid or minimise acidic and spicy products, such as curry, chilli and hot sauce.
Non-grass-fed beef
According to some studies, men who eat non-grass-fed beef are more likely to suffer from prostate cancer than men who eat organic grass-fed beef without additives or hormones.
Alcoholic beverages
Alcohol is another substance that increases the urge to urinate, resulting in a frequent and urgent need to urinate. This dehydrating effect can irritate both the bladder and the prostate.
Sweet baked goods
Sweet bakery products contain saturated fats, which are a problem for prostate health because they may worsen symptoms.
Some salad dressings
Some salad dressings may contain saturated fat: the same applies as other foods high in saturated fat, i.e., to be avoided.
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