What diseases can ticks cause?

Ticks are arthropods widespread throughout the world. There are an estimated 900 different species.

A tick bite is generally painless because these parasites inoculate the host with a certain amount of saliva that contains anesthetic principles. Ticks usually remain attached to the host for between 2 and 7 days and then drop off completely spontaneously.

Ticks can carry numerous diseases, more or less severe. Prevention, in this case, is really important.

Ticks: species and diseases they can cause
Ticks are arthropods widespread throughout the world. There are an estimated 900 different species. A tick bite is generally painless because these parasites inoculate the host with a certain amount of saliva that contains anesthetic principles. Ticks usually remain attached to the host for between 2 and 7 days and then drop off completely spontaneously. Ticks can carry numerous diseases, more or less severe. Prevention, in this case, is really important.
Lyme disease
Among the diseases that ticks can cause is the Lyme disease. The disease usually begins with a red spot that then slowly expands. Within a few weeks (or a few months), neurological disorders such as meningitis, myocarditis, myalgias, and skin lymphocytoma may occur. Such symptoms may fluctuate, last for months, and may even become chronic.
Among the diseases that ticks can transmit is tularemia. This is a disease that involves symptoms such as fever, ulcers and enlarged lymph nodes (lymph node edema). Treatment usually involves injections of antibiotics.
Viral encephalitis
The so-called tick bite can also cause viral encephalitis. This is an infectious disease that causes inflammation of the brain and can lead to very serious consequences in some cases. Symptoms may include the following: headache, fever, muscle and joint pain, fatigue and weakness. In severe cases, mental confusion, personality change, hallucinations, and double vision may also occur. Early diagnosis and medical treatment are very important.
Q fever
Among the infectious diseases caused by ticks is Q fever. It is an acute or chronic infection triggered by the bacillus-like Coxiella burnetii. The acute disease causes a fever that arises suddenly, with headache, malaise and interstitial pneumonia. In contrast, the manifestations of the chronic form are different depending on the system or organ affected.
Ticks can transmit ehrlichiosis, a bacterial disease accompanied by fever. It develops after an incubation period of about 7 to 21 days, is benign in evolution and presents symptoms very similar to those of the flu. Adults and people of advanced age may experience complications, including severe renal, vascular and encephalic complications.
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