Spring cleaning: the ultimate guide to organizing it perfectly

Like every year, with the first warm weather, comes a desire for renovation to get out of a long, cold winter. And there goes the inevitable and heralded spring cleaning, the big cleaning that involves the whole house and, often, the whole family.

Every nook and cranny of the house is put in order, and it is often easy to get lost among the dozens of things that need to be done and arranged. So, some brief guidelines on how best to get organized, where to start, what not to forget, and what, on the other hand, not to do can be helpful.

If you are a neat freak, or if you are simply eager to cut out the boredom and winter cold by renovating your home, then follow our advice.

Spring cleaning: the ultimate guide to organizing it perfectly
Like every year, with the first warm weather, comes a desire for renewal to get out of a long, cold winter. And there goes the inevitable and heralded spring cleaning, the big cleaning that involves the whole house and, often, the whole family. Every corner of the house is put in order, and it is often easy to get lost among the dozens of things to do and arrange. So, brief guidelines on how best to get organized, where to start, what not to forget, and what, on the other hand, not to do can be helpful. If you are a neat freak, or if you are simply eager to cut out the boredom and winter cold by renovating your home, then follow our advice.
When to start spring cleaning
Although this seems like a trivial question, it really isn't. Spring cleaning is done when the first warm weather arrives, and when you have the opportunity to keep the windows open for a good period of time. In fact, the house needs to be aired out a lot after a winter of closed windows, so it is a good idea to keep them open for at least a few hours. Also, as far as organization is concerned, you don't have to get everything done in one day: you can even take a few weekends during the month to make sure you get the best work done.
Spring cleaning is the perfect time to wash and renew fabrics
The arrival of spring is the ideal time to renew and clean curtains, sofa cushion covers, bedspreads, blankets, carpets and any other fabric coverings. These items should be washed at least a couple of times a year, as they tend to capture all the odours in the house, and after an entire winter with the windows closed, washing them is absolutely necessary. While cleaning, it might also be the right way for a nice renovation, changing curtains and sofa covers to give the house a fresh touch.
Start cleaning from the rooms that are lived the least
To start the big cleaning, it is a good idea to proceed room by room, giving yourself a precise plan to stick to in order to avoid forgetting some corner or even some room. So, the best way to proceed is to start with the rooms in the house that are less used, such as the study or the attic, and not to move on to the next room until the previous one is clean from top to bottom.
Cleaning from top to bottom is critical
In spring cleaning you put your all into it, so you can't escape. No ridiculous dusting, this is where you play hardball. To avoid wasting time and unnecessary work, it is essential to start by cleaning and dusting the higher parts, such as the chandeliers and shelves, first, and then concentrate on the lower parts, such as the floors. This is because cleaning the parts at the top very often sends dirt and dust to the floor. If you have already washed the floors, then you will have worked for nothing, because the dust falling from above will make everything dirty again.
The wardrobe change
Changing your wardrobe is another key stage of spring cleaning. Replacing winter clothes with summer clothes is also a great way to mark a change and improve your mood. In this case, consider carefully what to keep and what not to: if there are clothes you haven't worn in years, you don't need them. Throw them away to make room for something else. Generally, this last piece of advice can also be applied to everything else in the house. When cleaning, check everything in your house that you don't use. If you no longer need it, if it is too old or useless, throw it away, your mind will be more open to the new.
Clean the interior first, then the exterior
Very important as an operation is to organise cleaning starting with the inside and then the outside compartments of the furniture. Drawers, cupboards, cupboards: everything must be cleaned first inside and then outside. In this way, it will not be necessary to place the contents on freshly washed surfaces, contaminating them and therefore having to clean again later.
Cleaning drains well is most important
Whether we are talking about the bathroom sink, but even more so about the kitchen sink, a massive clean every now and then is essential to keep them hygienised and free. Indeed, over the course of weeks, food residues (in the kitchen) and perhaps beard hair (in the bathroom) settle and get stuck, and this can actually compromise their cleanliness. To avoid this, it would be best to clean them often with baking soda to clear the drain and keep them clean.
Brief advice for the bathroom
One thing that few people think about is cleaning, even if only periodically, the washing machine drum. Indeed, it is unimaginable how much dirt (from skin cells to dust mites) gets trapped in the washing machine drum, on the door or in the detergent compartment and is then transferred into the washing water. Do this, even with baking soda or vinegar. Another bathroom tip concerns the toilet brush. We know it is difficult, but it would be better not to put it back in its bowl immediately after use, because germs remain on it and then return to the toilet when you use it again. Each time it is used, it should be rinsed and then allowed to dry before putting it back.
The cleaning of surfaces, including exterior
The last thing to remember is that even large surfaces must be cleaned from time to time. So, both the inside and the outside of entrance doors need to be cleaned and sanitised every now and then, but not only. For example, handles, radiators, the TV, but also balconies and gardens are perfect surfaces on which dirt accumulates after months of closed windows. A good wipe down during spring cleaning will fix everything.
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