Papaya: an exotic fruit with many possible benefits

Common papaya is a thermophilic plant of the papaya family, characterized by large edible fruits. Papaya is the fruit of the Carica papaya, a species belonging to the Caricaceae family, native to Central America now widespread in many areas of the subtropical world.

Why should we eat papaya every now and then? First of all it is an excellent source of antioxidants. These, along with the other nutrients contained in the fruit, can help protect cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. But that's not all.

In this article dedicated to papaya we reveal some possible benefits, but also ideas on how to prepare it. Browse the gallery to find out more.

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Papaya: an exotic fruit with many possible benefits
Common papaya is a thermophilic plant of the papaya family, characterized by large edible fruits. Papaya is the fruit of the Carica papaya, a species belonging to the Caricaceae family, native to Central America now widespread in many areas of the subtropical world. In this article dedicated to papaya we reveal some possible benefits, but also ideas on how to prepare it. Browse the gallery to find out more.
An excellent source of antioxidants
Why should we eat papaya at least occasionally? First of all it is an excellent source of antioxidants. These, along with the other nutrients contained in this fruit, can help protect cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.
Papaya consumption could improve eyesight
Papaya contains vitamin A, which is essential for eyesight and its lack or low intake can cause a reduction in visual abilities, especially in environments with low light.
Papaya consumption can help prevent muscle cramps
Consuming papaya can help prevent muscle cramps. Papaya contains magnesium, which is known for its ability to prevent muscle cramps.
Papaya could strengthen the immune system
Papaya could strengthen the immune system. Papaya offers a high amount of vitamin C, thus helping to prevent flu, colds and other diseases.
Can everyone eat papaya?
Although it may seem a bit bizarre, papaya should be avoided by those with a latex allergy. It has been found that these people are significantly more sensitive to this type of fruit than anyone else.
How to use papaya in cooking?
Since it is a very versatile fruit, papaya can be added to many different dishes. It goes well with various salads, sauces or fruit smoothies.
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