Crossed nerves: causes and remedies

Crossed nerves: causes and remedies. The nerves of the human body run from the brain to the spinal cord.

The nerves have a fundamental task: they send important messages to the whole organism and this can cause pain.

But what are the causes? And the remedies? Let's find out together in the next photos. Let's clarify first of all one thing: nerves cannot overlap, it is an expression that has become common but not correct. In this photo gallery we will also explain this. Browse the photo gallery to discover the causes and remedies of "overlapping" nerves.

The nerves of the human body run from the brain to the spinal cord. The nerves have a fundamental task: they send important messages to the whole organism and this can cause pain. But what are the causes? And the remedies? Let's find out together in the next photos.
Getting on nerves: is it a correct expression?
Let's clarify first of all one thing: nerves cannot overlap, it is an expression that has become common but not correct. What happens when we feel a strong and sudden pain that we define as "crossed nerve" is instead a contraction or pressure on the nerve by the muscles, derived from the inflammation of the muscles themselves.
This phenomenon can be caused by stress or an excessively sedentary lifestyle. So what are the remedies?
Prevention and remedies
In case of strong stress, the remedy is to try to change the lifestyle or try to minimize the sources of nervousness and anxiety. If the cause is instead the sedentary lifestyle, the first thing to do is to understand where you can intervene: is the back sore after so many hours spent at the computer or sitting at the desk? If the cause is this, the advice is to pay more attention to the positions you take while working. But it is not enough. It is essential to try to carve out moments of mobility: take a break, get up and walk. Another thing that is recommended to do concerns the workstation at which you work: it is also recommended to change the chair that you usually use, choosing a more comfortable and ergonomic one and also equipped with a cervical pillow.
If you want to intervene on the problem you can make compresses to be placed directly on the inflamed muscles. This can give immediate relief. There are also light painkillers on the market but this only eliminates pain, does not solve the problem. In any case, it is always better to consult your doctor first. Another solution concerns stretching or massages: they can be very useful both to prevent pressure on the nerves and therefore their overlapping, and to alleviate the pain once it has occurred. Also in this case it is good to first contact a physiotherapist or a general practitioner who can advise on the best solution for our problem.
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