Mosquitoes sting people more when they give off strong odors

The body? It's like a "big protein shake that smells like stinky feet to hungry mosquitoes." This is revealed by a latest study that "some people are veritable mosquito magnets, emitting a tantalizing combination of chemicals that invites the pesky insects to poke them

The body? It is like a "big protein shake that smells like stinky feet for hungry mosquitoes."
"Just the fact that breathing transmits to the mosquitoes that we are there," said Leslie Vosshall, scientific director of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and lead researcher of the new study
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The Washington Post writes
This is revealed by a latest study that "some people are veritable mosquito magnets, emitting a tantalizing combination of chemicals that invites the pesky insects to poke them."
The discovery of researchers at Rockefeller University in New York.
People who have higher levels of certain acids on their skin are 100 times more attractive to female Aedes aegypti, the type of mosquito responsible for spreading diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and Zika
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The results, which were published in the journal Cells.
Could lead to new products that could mask or alter certain human odors, making it more difficult for mosquitoes to find human blood and potentially curbing the spread of the disease
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The statement by Jeff Riffell, professor at the University of Washington and mosquito expert
According to the Post, mosquito-borne diseases affect about 700 million people a year, and experts predict that "the number will increase as global temperatures rise."
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