Breakfast: the most important meal of the day

Breakfast is an essential time to start the day well and activate our metabolism.

Whether sweet or savory, breakfast should always be eaten, for many reasons that we will illustrate in this gallery. We will also explore different types of breakfast, each country in fact offers different dishes: in China we will find steamed dumplings instead of a brioche; in the United States pancakes and crispy bacon are consumed.

We will give you, in addition, some useful tips for preparing excellent dishes in the morning as well. And what do you prefer?

Breakfast: the most important meal of the day
Starting the day with a good breakfast is essential for the well-being of our physique and beyond. Breakfast helps us to have more energy, not to accumulate excess pounds, and helps concentration. A balanced breakfast can become more important than lunch and dinner.
One of the bad habits for many of us is coffee on the fly. Leaving the house fasting, in fact, may be harmful and unproductive. Take your time, sit down and enjoy a piece of fruit and some rusks to start. Hunger is known to come with eating.
Cakes, brioche and more...sugar
We all know the classic breakfast: brioche and cappuccino. But did you know that we can opt for a savory variation?
Scrambled eggs
A quick, great-tasting classic. Perhaps accompanied by vegetables and avocado. Serve them warm with a nice squeeze of orange juice. For the best start to your day.
Breakfasts around the world
Not all breakfasts are the same; in fact, many countries offer appetizing and mouth-watering variations. In America, breakfast ranges from classic pancakes with maple syrup to eggs and bacon. In England we will also find baked beans and black pudding. All to be tried.
Ravioli for breakfast, thank you
In China, breakfast is purely savory. You will find a wide variety of steamed dumplings and soups. All strictly served with hot tea.
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