Non-polio enteroviruses: what they are and what are the symptoms

Non-polio Enteroviruses are widespread viruses that can cause infections mainly of the respiratory system.

Most people who come into contact with them show no or mild symptoms, but some categories, such as children and those with immune deficiencies, complications can be severe.

The symptoms can be varied and may vary depending on the health situation of the affected person. Let's find out this and other information on the subject in detail. (source:

What are non-polio Enteroviruses
Non-polio Enteroviruses are widespread viruses that can cause infections mainly of the respiratory system. Most people who come into contact with them show no or mild symptoms, but some categories, such as children and those with immune deficiencies, complications can be severe. The symptoms can be varied and may vary depending on the health situation of the affected person. Let's find out this and other information on the subject in detail. (source:
Where non-polio Enteroviruses can be found and how infection can occur
Non-polio Enteroviruses can be found in the eye secretions, faeces, nose and mouth of an infected person. Virus transmission therefore occurs when in close contact with an infected person or when consuming contaminated water. The virus can be spread even when the person has no symptoms.
Possible mild symptoms
When non-polio Enteroviruses are contracted in a mild form, infections may present symptoms such as fever, rash, muscle aches, coughing, sneezing or runny nose. As already pointed out, however, symptoms may vary in intensity and severity from person to person, especially when children or persons with immune deficiency are present.
Possible diseases related to non-polio Enteroviruses
Some non-polio Enterovirus infections can give rise to diseases such as viral encephalitis, pericarditis, viral conjunctivitis, viral meningitis, hand-mouth-foot disease, inflammatory muscle disease or acute flaccid paralysis.
How to take care of newborns
For children infected with non-polio Enteroviruses, isolation should be considered, ensuring that feeding items are not shared, and informing parents as much as possible on how to wash the infant's hands and how to change the nappy properly.
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